Hanji's Problems

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      Okay, so some of my one shots might have the use of some modern day objects. Sorry. But I will tell you if the story is AU of not. This one is not AU.

  Hanji tried going out herself. Erwin, Mike, and Levi all tried to tell her it was stupid. Of course you couldn't go outside the walls without it being an expedition or in the case of an event. Hanji has been studying titans more than ever the past few days. The way she has been studying is bothering the superiors in the Survey Corps. She has not been acting herself, not talking like she normally does, just stands around almost like she is stuck in thought. All of this is making Levi worry more and more about his Four-Eyes.

    "Captain, shouldn't you do something about Hanji? You know how she has been acting the past 3 days." Levi was drinking his tea in the kitchen, hoping that no one was going to bring up Hanji. "Yes, I am aware that she is just very content on her studies recently. What of it Yeager?" "N-Nothing Corporal! I just, she hasn't been wanting to use me anymore for her studies." "Don't you like not having to be studied on all the time? I would think you didn't like it cadet. Or is that you have grown some sort of feelings for Hanji." Levi was getting up out of his chair while Eren was saying, "No no no! Nothing like that at all Captain. I-I was just... Wondering..." Eren was looking down and didn't realize that Levi had already left the kitchen. "Huh... He already left." He looked on the table and noticed a note:

    Brat, make sure you have this place spotless by the time I come back.

    Levi walked through the hallway and noticed Hanji sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall, with her knees close to her.  He couldn't tell if she was asleep or not. It was getting dark, and according to him, she hadn't gotten any sleep for at least 36 hours. "H-Hanji?" He was surprised at first. Her head was looking down. She slowly turned her head toward him and quietly said "W-what is it. Levi?" "Look, you have explaining to do. About why you aren't talking to anyone the past days, and why you haven't come out of your room. But before you say anything, let's get you back to your room so you can sleep." She nodded slowly. He walked toward her as she attempted to get up. Once she succeeded, she just about fell over. Levi stayed close to her, with an arm around her lower shoulder. "Heh, you're so short Shorty." Hanji said with a very  tired voice. "Tch, be happy I'm helping you Four-Eyes. You are a mess."

    They eventually got back to her room. Levi opened her door and sat her down on her bed. Her room even looked messier than usual. She had notes everywhere and papers all over her bed. "Oi, Four-Eyes, what are all these?" He said while grabbing them trying to look at them and get them out of the way. "P-please, Levi... I just need sleep. I think I need it..." "You think? Oh yeah Four-Eyes, you really need it." There was an awkward silence for a moment while Levi stood leaning against the wall. "Well, now that you are here, I could come back in the morning so you can tell me why you have stayed away for 3 days, and you haven't told anyone before hand." "Ookaayy Shorty. Good night... I love you." She mumbled that last part. "What did you say Four-Eyes?" "I just said good night." "No, after that." "N-nothing Shorty." He just 'tsk' while he walked away. "I will come by in the morning with some food." He said before closing the door. "I said I love you... Shorty..." Levi could hear in Hanji's voice that she was depressed or something.

    -----------------Next Day--------------

    "The Captain was carrying Hanji last night." "Yeah, I heard." "I think he took Squad Leader Hanji into her room or something." Levi could hear the cadets talking in the Mess Hall. *I think that's what it is >.<* It was around 6 in the morning, and Levi decided he should go get the promised breakfast for Hanji. Why does she do this? I just wish she would tell us when she decides to do these stupid experiments of hers. He walked through the kitchen and grabbed two cups and made some tea in each. He grabbed some extra sugar, and a plate full of Hanji's breakfast which consisted of bread and soup.

    "Hanji. Open the door." He said in his emotionless voice. "Yeah, Yeah, I'm coming." She said in a very tired tone. She opened the door to see a Levi dressed in white, looking ready to clean. "Y-you're not dressed like that because you are going to clean, r-right?" Hanji looked confused and almost scared by his attire. "While else would I have this on?" He walked in and set the tea and her breakfast on the table scattered with papers and notes. "Tch. This place is a mess. Now, explain to me why you haven't told us why you are tucked away in your room." He sat in the chair and that seemed to be the only thing not cluttered with paper. She sighed as she closed the door and went to sit on the clean side of  her bed. "Okay, I- Well... I don't know how to put this... I think I have this illness that my mother and father died from." Levi almost looked worried for a second. "So... You are trying to come up with a way to cure it on your own?" "Y-Yeah, I guess. I just need more time. I figured if I didn't have any distractions, I could focus on curing it." "Oh, I see. Am I just a distraction then?" "N-No!" She said while slightly blushing and looking down. "I-I just didn't want to tell anyone yet." "How long have you had this so called illness?" "I think for a month." Wow Four-Eyes, I knew something was up for a bit, but really... a month? "S-sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just didn't want you to... Well, who am I kidding, you don't 'worry' about things like that..." Of course I worry Four-Eyes... I may not show it, but I really care... It was quiet for a moment. "Oh I almost forgot." he grabbed the tea cup and handed it to Hanji. "L-Levi, you know I don't like your tea... You never-" "Sh... Just drink it." He shoved the small sugar jar towards her. She made the tea and tasted it. "W-wow, this is... Really good! What did you do to it?" "Nothing. I just made the cup for you." She smiled and put it down after a couple of tastes, and Levi mimicking her too. Then, once again there was silence.

      Okay the story is not over. I'm thinking of adding a part 2 possibly 3... Hm... I don't know. BUT. Hope you enjoyed it! And hopefully you will enjoy the others to come! :D Thanks for reading!

WARNING: POSSIBLY SLOW UPDATES! I will try to update every Saturday or Sunday.

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