Smile Levi! (AU)

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    Levi is a person who just doesn't smile. Hanji, not once in her life as his friend, and his neighbor has she seen him smile. She has a plan to take him to the upcoming winter festival.

    'I wonder when Levi will get here. I told him to meet me around 10am, It's almost 9:45! Meh, he could just be getting ready still. But he almost always comes to any event 15 minutes before. Oh well, he will get here in his own time.'  There was then a knock on the door disturbing her thoughts. It sounded like Levi's. She got up from her couch sitting with her pet spaniel Bean. It seemed even Bean was so familiar with Levi's knocks that he didn't bark. (Wonder how many times he has come over... *WINK WONK*)

    She got to the door an opened it. She saw a emotionless Levi who was wearing a black beanie, white jeans and grey long sleeve shirt. In her eyes, he seemed pretty attractive. It also caught her eye that it was snowing outside. "Sorry Levi! I didn't know it was snowing this morning! Now I feel bad. I didn't want you to walk in the snow." "It's okay Four Eyes. It didn't start snowing until I went outside. If that makes you feel any better." "Here come in. Don't want to make you stay out there longer than you need too." He walked in and she shut the door. He looked around and noticed it was clean for once. Then he saw the dog. That make that 'tch' face. Then he saw the cat, Shawny. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) He walked over to the cat siting on the head of the couch, and pet him. Almost smiling. Hanji noticed this and it made her giggle a little. "Oi, what's so funny?" "Oh nothing... Just the fact that you like cats." "Tch. They are calmer than dogs, and not as energetic too." "Y'know, I was planning on naming Shawny 'Levi' instead. He acts a lot like you. Heh." "And Bean acts a lot like you." There was a couple of seconds of silence. "Hanji, when are we leaving for your 'surprise' you want to show me?" "Oh, we can't leave here until 11:45." Levi just looked at her and gave her that 'really?' look. "Tch. So what you are saying is that I have to wait practically 2 hours until we leave? I could spend those 2 hours doing something more productive than sitting around." "Sorry. I just wanted to make sure you knew ahead of time." "What do you wish to do in the meantime?" "Huh, I didn't think about that. We could~ Watch a movie? Or... We could even... Oh! I know! I can show you my art! I spent many hours working on it!" "I-" Before Levi could respond he was taken by the wrist and was dragged by Hanji to go into her art gallery. He was surprised how big it was. Once she made it inside, she inhaled deeply and let it out saying with her hands on her hips, "well, do you like it? I don't recall me ever showing you my art... Although I have showed you my different experiments with colors and how they are magnificent in many different ways." Levi stood there, eyes slightly wider than normal. "This is some good work. You make a living by selling these?" "Yep. It's what I have done. I like coping them though, I always keep the original."

---Back in the living room---

    "Hey Levi... It is getting boring. And it is barely 11. Want to watch a movie?" "No, because when we are half way through it will be time to go." "Ah, I see. How about a 30 minute show?" "No Four Eyes." "Fine.., There will just be awkward silence between us for the next 45 minutes." About a minute of so later Levi decided to ask where they are going anyway. Hanji then responds saying, "Well, if you didn't know, there is a winter carnival that is happening this week. I thought it could be fun if we could go!" "Why did you ask me? You could always ask Moblit to go with you." "But Levi! Moblit and I aren't really 'friends' anymore. I kind of got mad at him for something and now he won't talk to me and I haven't tried talking to him for the past week. So... That leaves you!" "Tch! Why couldn't you have asked your other friends?" "Pfft, I don't have any friends except for you!" "Tch." They both sat on the couch. Both sat on one end of it. There was a bit of room in the middle since it was a 'love couch'. (C'mon, I can't be the only one who knows what that is...) Hanji was moving herself trying to get comfortable. She put her legs up on the couch and leaned toward Levi. She didn't mean to. "Four Eyes what are you?-" "Sh..." She had her eyes closed. "I am tired. Let me sleep." "Why on my lap?!" "Cause, it's more comfortable that way... If you don't like it then you can get up." "Tch, I though I was the guest." "No, you are the person who comes over so much that I hope you know this is your second home." "Whatever Four Eyes. Get some sleep since it seems like you need it." He moved his arms from being up on the couch, to being on his lap holding her head close to him. She slightly blushed. Levi noticed which also made him blush. He looked around her room to find a clock. He noticed it was above the door to leave her house. the time said '11:15 A.M.' 'Nice, almost time to go. Although, I don't mind having Hanji laying on my lap like this... I actually kind of like it. What am I saying? Am I actually starting to like this Four Eyes? I mean... She is kinda cute when she is sleeping.' He stared at her face and noticed she still had her glasses on. 'Tch, Four Eyes is probably always falling asleep with these on. It wouldn't surprise me if she broke some.' He carefully slid the glasses off her face and put them on the nearby coffee table.

    It was now 11:45 and Levi ended up falling asleep a little after he took the glasses off of her. Hanji started waking up and she slowly opened her eyes noticing that she fell asleep on Levi. But what she thought was cute was he was holding her close. His hands around her head almost like as if he was protecting her. She glanced at the clock and noticed it was 11:45. Just time to leave. Hanji tried to get up without waking Levi, but Levi just held her closer. She decided to stay sleeping and just wake up later. She cuddled closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. He lifted his arm and wrapped it around her while barely being able to whisper "I like you Four Eyes..." Without falling back asleep. She also whispered back, "I like you too Shorty..." They then fell asleep there forgetting about the winter carnival that was going on that day.

    Hope you liked it! Uh... I didn't really mention anything about Levi smiling... But oh well. And also, all of the art is NOT I repeat NOT done by me. All the cover art credit goes to the original creator(s). *I wish I had that skill!*

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