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 Hanji and Levi just wanted some time to their selves. Of course, there has to be that one person who accidentally barrages in at the wrong moment. Unfortunately, they can't get any time because the Survey Core members keep interrupting them.


 "Finally. We are alone." Levi says while holding Hanji in front of him. Her legs wrapped around his waist. Her arms around his neck. "Yeah, but aren't I too heavy for you shorty?" "You're fine Four Eyes." He goes in for the kiss but then Eren, Mikasa, and Armin come around the corner... Hanji and Levi sigh and look at the three. "Oi! You brats. Extra cleaning duty for a month!" Hanji just holds in her laugh. All three of them then say, "But Heichou!" "No 'but Heichou' me. You all have cleaning! Go!" Hanji jumps down from Levi and they both walk away. 


 Erwin and Moblit were discussing how Hanji and Levi have been off lately. "Well commander, Levi has... Well... Feelings for Hanji if you didn't know." "Oh? Why is it I am the last one to know these things? I thought I would always be right." Please someone tell me they understand this joke? No?... That's okay... I didn't really try anyway. "Oh! Here they come." "And they do you know what I did Levi?" "What did you do Hanji." "I killed it! I know right? I never kill a titan without talking to it first." Levi sighs as they both enter Erwin's office. Levi says, "Erwin, I have requested for a day off. A day with peace and quiet. No interruptions." "I can't promise anything from the cadets. But from me and the other superiors, you have our promise." "Tch..." Levi walks away and Hanji begins to talk to Erwin. "Hanji. C'mon. You are in trouble." "EH?! What did I do Levi?" "Everything." "Well that's reassuring."


 Mike was trying to get some nice sleep. Poor Mike. All he could hear were Levi and Hanji talking in the hallway. Mike decided to peek out the door and see what they were talking about. He was surprised when he saw them sitting on the ground cuddling each other. This was his OTP so he sat next to his door so he can listen and see what's going on. "L-Levi. I'm tired." "Yeah, me too." 'When is humanities strongest tired?' He stayed watching. They ended up falling asleep there, and Mike finally got his sleep. Until... Well... Morning came around and he heard unspeakable noises coming from a certain room. He ignored it and went along with his miserable life.

 Okay sorry this was really bad, but I felt the need to post one more chapter before adding the complete tag.

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