Hanji's Problems 3

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    Okay hope you like it! Last part of Hanji's Problems. Not AU. Maybe a little.

    Levi rushed after Hanji, trying to see where she was at. He saw a group of titans close to a tree. He could faintly see someone sitting on the branch as titans where reaching out to grab the person. 'If that is Hanji...' He thought. He was still his calm self on the outside. He slayed 3 titans around the tree and saw an injured Hanji trying to recover. "Hanji, what happened?" He asked. "I was coming-" She hissed in pain.  "Over here... I saw... Some titans and members of my squad. I-" Another hiss of pain. "Came over to help. They all died. I was grabbed." "You look horrible Four Eyes. Lets get you back to the walls. The mission has been terminated." "Oh? I wasn't paying attention." He tried helping her get up by putting his arm around her. "T-thanks Shorty." "Tch." "WAIT! P-please put me down." "What's wrong?" "M-my chest. It feels like... I... It's getting... Harder for me... To... Breathe..." "Four Eyes!" She closed her eyes and laid in his arms. Slowly, she was trying to regain consciousness. She pulled our of her jacket a piece of paper. "Hanji, you're not dying." "But Levi... I am." "Tch!" He grabbed the paper from her and shoved it in his jacket. "Lets go." He carried her bridle style and tried jumping off the tree. Lucky for them, it wasn't a long fall. Levi fell backward making sure Hanji wouldn't get hurt while they fell. He whistled for a horse and finally one came running. There where fewer titans than there was before. But he couldn't see that many people fighting. He put her sitting behind him on the horse. He tried riding  back in the direction they came. It was stilling raining, but it seemed to have started raining a little less.

    Hanji sat on the behind him, she had her arms to the side. She was partially awake. "L-Levi. Why didn't you listen to me?" "Quiet Four Eyes, I'm trying to think." He looked around and noticed one 10 meter behind him. He also saw Hanji, resting her head against his back. She slowly wrapped her arms around Levi. Levi was slightly surprised at this sudden movement of Hanji. The titan was starting to go faster. "L-Levi, I am just dead weight for you. Let me fall off this horse so you can go faster. I can stall the titan for you." "Hanji, stop. I said before and I'm saying this now; You are not dying. Not here. Not now." "Levi..." She held him tighter. He let her head rest on his shoulder. 'Honestly, I like this. I just want Hanji to stay longer. What am I saying? She is going to stay longer... With me. With the Survey Corps. But, does she want to stay in this hell any longer?' The titan was coming up behind them very close. Just about a meter or so behind them. "Levi, let me go. Maybe we can see each other in another life." "No Hanji, stop saying that." "Levi... Listen. Read that note. Live on. I will miss you, but once I die, I will watch over you. Goodbye Shorty..." She let go slowly and fell backwards off the horse. For Levi, it felt like time was slowed down. He looked behind himself and saw Hanji falling off the horse. The titan going in to grab her. The only thing off was, Hanji was smiling while this was happening to her. Levi tried turning his body to grab her, he missed her hand. She fell. Her body hitting the ground. The titan picking her up. Levi, trying to hop off the  horse to grab her. Everything as still slowed down for him. He fell off the horse, trying, trying ever so desperately, trying to get his Four Eyes back. There was nothing he could do... But watch.

    Levi woke up breathing hard, trying to recollect himself. Looking around, he saw himself on a bed. 'Was it all a dream?' A medic walked in. "Captain, are you alright? You almost died. Anyway, It's best if you stay in here for a while. We brought you a fresh set of clothes." The medic walked out closing the door. Levi got up, realizing he was still in his clothes he wore for the expedition. He grabbed out of his pocket the note. Once he felt the wrinkled paper, his eyes widened. He grabbed it out and started reading.

  Dear Levi

By the time you are reading this I am dead. I either gave this to you personally or you ended up finding this from Moblit. Please forget my death. Don't let it get you down. Just please don't forget about me okay? I found out I had this illness. I was not sure if it was spreadable or not. That is why I stayed away from you and everyone. I didn't want you sick. I loved you for a long time and I still do even though I am dead. Just watch out for these symptoms in this order of stages. Stage 1. Fever. Stage 2. Coughing up blood. Eventually the amount of blood will increase. And finally, stage 3. It will be a lot harder for you to breathe. I thought I was going to die before the expedition. My chest felt so heavy. Please Levi. Be safe. I don't want you dying too. I will always watch over you. I will always love you.

    Love, Hanji Zoe. Your Four Eyed Titan Freak.

    Oh boy... Hope you enjoyed. I almost cried at certain parts writing this. I need inspiration for the other one shots. So if you have any ideas, please comment! Thanks for reading!


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