Track 6

768 47 3

Do you remember?

How you were the first to change my expressions.

By the end of Friday's school day, I found you sitting opposite me again in art class.

You asked me.

"Why don't you use your voice?"

I found myself shrugging.

"You don't like your voice?"

I flipped open my notebook, writing my answer down. I turned it over so you could see.

"I like writing more."

You smiled at me.

I always felt bad for not returning your small smiles. They were ever so gentle.

But I couldn't find myself having the confidence to do so. I still felt guilty for not apologising to you.

I stood up, packing away my art supplies I left in the classroom. By the time I turn back to my desk, you were gone. Again. 

I packed up my books to go home. 

I saw your neat writing on the same page. 

Right beneath my words, you wrote something. 

I glanced over your words for the second time, finding the slightest of smiles on my lips. 

"I like writing more." 

(I like your voice even more.)

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