Track 19

418 31 1

Do you remember?

How you were the first to make me feel happy.


Your distant voice came to my ears. 

I felt your fingers intertwine lovingly with mine. 

You ran ahead, gently pulling me along. 

My footsteps picked up their speed, pacing alongside you. 

At the mingling of our soft pants, I smiled. 

You turned back, your ebony hair tousling in the evening breeze as you grinned at me, your pearl whites in full display. 

Before I knew it, we were lying in the middle of the oval, with the lush green grass cushioning our feet. 

Your arm reached out, fingers stretched out into the vast sky. 

The mild scent of soil and wilderness surrounded us. 

The tranquillity was beyond pleasant. 

My eyelids dropped, taking in the evening air.

The day's glumness was way beyond me. 

You had never failed to cheer me up. 

When my lips placed a soft kiss upon your warm cheeks, I had realised; 

I was happy, with you. 

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