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jungkook: thank you for everything, soo jung. i will always cherish what we had. thank you for being my best friend, and my girlfriend. you were always there when i needed you, when i needed a shoulder to cry on, when i got heartbroken and depressed. i will always be here for you as well. even if things didn't end smoothly between us, i still care about you. please, live your life to the fullest after i leave. be happy, and find someone new. i love you soo jung, never forget about me, the boy who loved you with all his heart, who was willing to give you the world, who was willing to give up his life for you. again, let me say this again, i love you. goodbye for the last time, kim soo jung.

soo jung: JUNGKOOK NO

soo jung: PLEASE

soo jung: DONT GO

soo jung: I'M SORRY

soo jung: i love you
delivered 18:34 pm

but this aint the last chapter ;)

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