Chapter 3

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"humph." I plumped myself on my bed and let my bags fall to the floor. I blew a piece of hair out of my face and looked up at Ali. I see her eyes basically popping out of her sockets and bottom lip pouting in an awful attempt at a puppy face.

"What the hell does your demented arse want?" I barked, creeped out deeply by her face.

She dropped the whole puppy facade, and her face rearranged itself into a glare that would put satan out of a job. Her face then split into a blinding all teeth grin. I watched, amazed, at the many emotions performed in a span of thirty seconds.

"Wellllllll since you asked ever so nicely, Jason, the hot baseball player asked me to come to his party tonight!! And he said I could bring a desperate friend!" She sang and looked hopefully at me and bent down on one knee and looked up at me with wide 'innocent' eyes and took my hand in hers,which by the way her hands were extremely soft and I had yet to ask what the mystery behind them were. I was pretty sure it was ketchup.

"Will you be that desperate,lowlife,antisocial friend?"

"Did you just add low-"

"Bell Bell shushhhh." she caresses my cheek, gives a light pat and then drops her hand.

"C'mon Bell!He's got the nicest butt in the whole world, I wouldn't think you'd be cruel enough to stop me from chasing my dreams and getting a piece of that fine ass."

Jason Miller was the pitcher for our high school's baseball varsity team. He's tall, lean, and had brown eyes that could be mistaken for chocolate. I remember once I was just sitting in my desk and swiveled around to ask Nathan a question and was met with a round firm mouth watering butt, I swear I was stuck in its gravitational pull as I tried to look away. I'd be damned if I robbed Ali from the chance that ass- uh I mean Jason's personality and the joy it could bring to Ali.

"Yeah sure shitface, I do want you to appreciate the finer things in life. But at least get a good feel of the buns and explain how it was to be able to grab heaven in the palm of your hands."

"eeeeppp!!!" She squealed and threw herself at me, and before I went down I caught a glance of her crazed expression.

I tried with all my muscle from lifting milk containers to push her off but the girl had the ferocity of a fan girl defending her beloved idols. Her puny, but surprisingly strong arms were wrapped around my waste as she continued what I was guessing was a ritual to squeeze my soul out and sacrificing it to the dementors all while making noises that could land her in a mental facility.

My mind barely noticed the door slamming against the wall, and I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't hear his voice.

"What the fuc- you know I might have visit more often, just tell me the show times and I promise I'll be front and center in every show." Ash looked at us with an arched eyebrow biting his lip and eyes roaming down at our predicament.

I flipped him the bird when Ali made another one of her demon spawn noises and jumped up and quickly looked over at the clock hanging above my desk.

"Holy fucking carrots! Great Bells, because of your time wasting we've only got TWO HOURS TO GET FRIGGIN READY!" She pulled my arm ready to push me inside my closet when Ash cleared his throat, bringing our attention to the beautiful intruder.

"Get ready for what?" He looked at us with a curious and suspicious gaze.

"We have a gang bang scheduled at 10 with some guys we met at the mall." Blurted Ali with such ease that I almost believed her.

Ash clenched his jaw, a vein pulsing in his neck as his eyes flashed with rage and his nostrils flared. Just as he unclenched his jaw to most likely use some very colourful words, I butted in, surprised at his reaction, looked at him strangely and said,

"Oh c'mon Ashy she's joking!" I glared at Ali and continued,"We're going to a party, so if you could please exit so we can continue getting dressed."

"Oooh a party, you're def not going without me and Nate! Oh I should get ready! Only one fucking hour to get ready, what the hell! Bella you talk wayyy too much. Oh god my hair needs to be perf!" And with that he turned on his heel and sprinted to Nate's room yelling, "NATE BABE, YOU'VE GOT TO HELP ME PICK OUT AN OUTFIT FOR THIS DAMN PARTY!"

I wonder what the hell was wrong with these people honestly I don't know why I let them near my presence.

"Here put this one, and hurry the fuck up you wasted too much time goofing around." Ali shoved some black fabric into my hands and dropped some black pumps with white crystals on the heel.

Why the hell was everyone blaming ME for wasting time? I was obviously the victim here. Maybe I should check on Craigslist to find some new friends. I could probably get them cheap if I traded in Ali and Ash, I could even shop for a new brother. Maybe an Asian one too! I fucking love Asians.

With that in mind I stripped off my clothes and slithered into the black dress. It was fitted around my poor excuse for breast, but looked plump showcased in the low cut neckline, it flared out from below my waist and rested about mid-thigh. The dress was pretty simple besides the silver studs adorned on the short sleeve of the dress. I pulled on the pumps that added three inches to my five foot two frame and walked to my dresser. I brushed on some foundation and lightly dusted on some blush and finished off with some mascara and a touch of red lipstick. Quickly brushing my hair and saw that Ali was no where to be seen.

I made my downstairs and saw that everyone was gathered by the door. Ash and Ali blow out whistles of appreciation. Nathan swung a hand at Ash and hit on the back of his head. Ash rubbed the back of his head and gave Nathan a sheepish grin.

"ALRIGHT GUYS! LETS GO FUCK BITCHES AND GET MONEY!!" I threw up my hands and ran outside to the car. I opened the door to my black matte mustang seeing as I was always the designated driver. Not that I minded, I barely drank. Alcohol had an acquired taste but I never liked to drink at parties.


The loud rave music pounded against my eardrum and sounded through the whole house. I took the time to take in the scene. About 30 people on the dance floor, some just simply swaying to the music and the others rubbed their bodies as close they could get, like the others persons body held some type of irresistible energy that they needed to continue dancing. I always loved the party scene. People would forget all their worries and responsibilities and just live. I looked to my side and saw that Ash, Ali, and Nathan were out of sight. I sighed in relief because I really needed to get laid and I didn't want Nathan on my back.

I sashayed my way to the dance floor and slowly moved my hands up my body. As the beat of the song picked up I ran my fingers into my hair and swung my hips to the rhythm. A pair of strong rough hands placed themselves on my waist and swung me around.

I arched an eyebrow at the person in front of me.


The brunette smirked at my surprise and enveloped me in a firm hug.

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