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lucy: behind the scenes of a reggie picture [tagged: regul

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lucy: behind the scenes of a reggie picture
[tagged: regul.ar, bellatwix]

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fortescute: 11/10 would fuck both

mc.marle: tmw you're cropped out of the picture

lucy: tmw regulus' girl gets jealous of his cousin @mc.marle

mc.marle: hold your horses love he's like 12

regul.ar: boii i'm two years younger than you @mc.marle

fortescute: the lucky number[tagged: dorc

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fortescute: the lucky number
[tagged: dorc.ass]

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dorc.ass: uno you're short when a shirt is basically a dress

peti.tail: uno you're fake when your username is @dorc.ass but you have no ass

fortescute: oUCH @peti.tail @dorc.ass

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