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at last, the third and final HP instagram book is FINALLY finished !!! i mean, i'll obviously have more extra chapters bc tradition am i right?

thank you all sooooooo much for reading all three of these trash piles, i much appreciate it. also, if you want to go check out my infinite amount of other (not social media) books i write, feel free to do so. the one i'm updating the most is probably Would You Be So Kind, so if you like Seamus, male OCs or maybe even Dodie that'll be a good match for you.

SO THE EXTRA CHAPTERS, you know how i made those accounts for Slytherin and Gryffindor for that one chapter? yeah well those will come back. i actually found a couple of cute pics for those so we'll have two bonus chapters this time around; one for Slytherin and one for Gryffindor. and i swear if anyone comments about the lack of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw i'll punch them in the throat bc we dont have any marauders era characters from those houses smhhh.

 and i swear if anyone comments about the lack of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw i'll punch them in the throat bc we dont have any marauders era characters from those houses smhhh

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thank you all again, ily <3

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