Monday January 30th

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I woke up at 6 and went to eat breakfast. After I ate I went to my closet and put on my white sweater, ripped skinny jeans, and light brown Nike airs. Hope woke up as I was getting my bag.

Hope: hey what time is it?
Me: 7
Hope: alright thanks
Me: well I'm headed out, Duke already went out so you don't have to worry about it.
Hope: okay bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Hope

I grabbed my snacks and then headed to school. I went to Garvin's and put grades in for her. When second hour came I learned the lesson and then we had free time.

Garvin:  when is your game tonight?
Me: 7:30 but seniors are announced at 7 I think.
Garvin: alright making sure, did Hope and your dad come in?
Me: yeah, they both came in yesterday
Garvin: good, well head onto third hour

Our group got up and Megan, Brad and Claire went to Latin, Justin, Matt, and Hunter went to Spanish, and Kiley and I went to German. Third hour ended and I went to get the boys. I brought them home and Lydia had lunch ready for the 5 of us. The boys told Hope and my dad about their day. At 12 I put them down for their naps and then checked emails.

I had to post a couple ads and then I made a post for my game tonight. I woke the boys at 2 and went to cheer. I gave the boys to their moms and then once the bell rang I went up to the field house. I joined the girls and we ate.

After eating we watched a movie and Megan and I did homework. At 5:15 we went to watch the boy's senior night. Once it finished we went to change and warmup. When the boys game finished, we got our shots and then went to put on our jerseys. All the seniors took down our hair and I fixed some of my curls.

Carol: hey Barron said you need to hurry up
Me: yeah, we're coming

We all finished and went out. We lined up and they started calling our names.

Announcer: Senior Co-Captain Megan Elizabeth Portick accompanied by her parents Rachel and Robert Portick. Megan had been a 4-year Varsity starter. Megan had been named Most Valuable defender her sophomore and junior year. Megan is also in Interact Club, Junior Civitan Club, Physics Club, and the 30 plus club. Megan plans to continue her education and soccer career at a Division 1 college. Senior Co-Captain Megan Elizabeth Portick

Announcer: Lastly but certainly not least Senior Captain Savannah Blaire Solo, accompanied by her father 4 star general David Reed, Hope Solo, and her dog Duke. Savannah has been a 4-year varsity starter. Savannah has been the MVP for the past 3 years in a row. Savannah is also part of Rebel Cheer, Interact Club, Junior Civitan Club, Student Council, German Club, and then 30 plus club. Savannah is also part of the US Women's National Team and brought home a gold medal. Savannah plans to continue her education and soccer career at a Division 1 school. Senior Caption Savannah Blaire Solo.

After all of us got a picture we went over to Barron.

Barron: alright girls, our lineup is Therese, Allie, Megan, Sarah, Hailey, Connor, Mary, Anna, Caroline, Emily, and Savannah.

Mary said the prayer and then I did the break. We took the field and then whistle blew. I sent the ball back to Megan. We passed the ball up field and Caroline crossed it in. I won it and shot it past the keeper. Megan had the next goal off a through ball from me. Mary had a goal off a corner and then we went to halftime.

We took the field again and Ruston kicked off. I won the ball and went up the field. I dribbled around players and shot from the 20 and placed it in the left upper corner to make it 4-0. Ruston kicked off again and we just passed around them for a while. Caroline had the last goal off Emily's cross and then the final whistle blew.

We got a cool down and then Barron and Alex said they would talk to us in the locker room. I grabbed my shin guards and headed across the field. Rand and Aulds came running over to me.

Me: hey guys!
Rand: your goal was good Vanna
Me: thank you little man
Garvin: good game Solo
Me: thank you and thank you for coming
Garvin: of course, well I better get them home, I'll see you tomorrow
Me: see ya

I went to the locker room and sat down in my locker. Alex came in followed by Barron.

Barron: good game girls, you possessed very well. Now Alex it's all you

Alex: well first I am very proud of you girls especially the seniors. My time as a Lady Rebel Coach is coming to an end this year. I got a job in DC working with the White House as an Assistant for Federal Affairs and Policy Initiatives. I will be flying out on the 7th and I will be back the 14th before I will officially be moving on the 27th

Megan: awe Alex I'm so happy for you but we're going to miss you
Alex: I'm going to miss you guys so much, but I am so thankful I got to watch all of you grow into amazing players
Caroline: awe I'm going to cry
Me: I already am
Alex: awe come in

We all hugged and shed some tears.

Me: well as Captain I am making this year's playoff run for you Alex
Megan: yeah for Alex
All: For Alex!
Alex: I love you guys.

We eventually changed and headed out. Brad, his parents, Hope, my dad and I went to El Sombrero for dinner.

Dad: what took you so long in the locker room?
Me: Oh, Alex told us she was leaving this year. She got a job in DC and she is leaving for a week on the 7th before officially moving on the 28th
Sarah: awe that's sad.
Me: yeah, a lot of tears were shed
Brad: how is Barron taking it?
Me: I'm not sure yet

We all ate and then went home. I showered and then went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now