Saturday & Sunday April 15th & 16th

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Brad and I got up at 6 and got dressed. We ate breakfast and then Brad drove us to the airport. We went through security and they made accommodations for me so we got through quickly. We boarded our plane and then landed in Seattle at 10. We went to baggage claim and Brad got our bags.

Hope: hey Baby Horse, hey Brad
Me: Hopey!
Hope: how was your flight?
Me: good but I'm getting stiff
Hope: I bet let's get you two home

Hope drove Duke, Brad and I back to her house.

Hope: alright you can both stay in Savannah's room but no funny business
Me: alright, babe its upstairs second door on the left.

Brad went upstairs and I went to the couch.

Hope: how's PT?
Me: good except my elbow might have problems. Dr. Sloan thinks the two plates might end up catching on each other
Hope: what you mean thinks?
Me: well it could be the ligaments, we are waiting on MRIs to see which one it is
Hope: so, when do you get out of your shoulder brace?
Me: well my collarbone is healed so it depends on my MRI to see how ligaments are
Hope: that's good
Me: how has preseason been?
Hope: good we are doing well

Brad: alright, I love your house!
Hope: thank you, so do you too want to go somewhere for lunch
Me: sure
Brad: fine with me

The 3 of us went in town and ate at the deli Hope and I used to eat at all the time.

Hope: how's school
Me: since I can't write my teachers make multiple choice tests and I highlight the answers
Brad: she can barely so that
Me: hey! I try.
Hope: I'm sure you do

We talked for a while and then ate. Hope drove us back and we watched Game of Thrones. At 4 I got Brad to help me upstairs so I could get ready for the game. I put on my old Seattle Reign jersey and leggings. Brad put on my UGG boot for me. Brad helped me back downstairs and we loaded up. Hope drove us to the Reign facility. We went through the back and went to the hallway.

Harvey: Baby Horse, I haven't seen you in a while
Me: hey coach
Harvey: how have you been?
Me: good as I can be with these, oh by the way this my boyfriend Brad and our dog Duke
Brad: nice to meet you
Harvey: it's nice to meet you too, let me guess football player?
Brad: yes, quarterback actually
Harvey: I thought so, well I better go. I hope to see you two behind the bench
Me: you will

Coach Harvey left and Brad and I went out to the stadium. We sat and talked for a while. Warmups started and Brad and I took Duke down to the row of seats behind the bench. After warmups, the girls walked out and then took the field and Sky Blue kicked off. The first half ended and Seattle was up by one from a PK. Seattle kicked off the second half. Sky Blue had a late goal on a PK and the game ended. Brad and I went down to the field and Kelley all but tackled me.

Kell: Baby Horse!

Hope: don't kill her!
Me: hey Kell
Kell: I'm not, I didn't know you were coming
Me: I didn't either until last night
Kell: I wish you could play
Me: yeah me too

Kelley and I caught up while she signed autographs. Brad and I waited for Hope to come out of the locker room and once she did we picked up dinner on the way home. We ate and then we all got showered before coming back down to the living room. We watched a movie but I fell asleep.

Hope: how has she been honestly?
Brad: bored and frustrated, she hasn't really talked about it much but it's easy to see
Hope: what are your plans for summer?
Brad: I don't know yet, we haven't talked about anything.

Brad and Hope talked for a while and then Brad carried me to bed. 


Brad woke up at 7 and went downstairs to let me sleep.

Hope: hey good morning, and happy Easter
Brad: good morning and happy Easter to you too.
Hope: where's Savannah?
Brad: still sleeping, she seemed peaceful for once

Hope: oh alright, well do you want pancakes and bacon?
Brad: yeah, and I can help unlike Savannah

Brad and Hope made breakfast and I woke up to the smell of bacon. I went to the top of the stairs and yelled down.

Me: anyone want to help me down?
Hope: I'm coming

Hope helped me down and then we all sat at the table.

Hope: what do you want to do today?
Me: I don't know, what do you want to do?
Hope: well I need to go to Pike's today but that's it
Me: what do you want to do Brad?
Brad: hey she asked you, plus you always make me decide
Me: shopping then?
Hope: I can do that

We all got dressed and then got into the car. We went to Pike's Place and helped Hope grocery shop. Hope got food for dinner and then her regular stuff for the week. We brought them home and then went downtown to shop. We looked around and I got a romper for the soccer banquet.

Hope: well let's get some lunch, Baby Horse where do you want to go?
Me: Elliot's?
Hope: yeah

We walked down to Elliot's and got a table. I had the salmon, Brad had the rockfish, and Hope had the seafood salad. We ate and the headed home.

Me: the cold makes my arm sting
Hope: it's because of the metal
Me: I could have never guessed

Hope reached out and pinched me.

Me: ow, ooh Dr. Sloan is calling

Me: Happy Easter Dr. Sloan.
Sloan: happy Easter Savannah, I have some good news
Me: that's what I want to hear
Sloan: well, your shoulder is healing very well, now your elbow ligament I think is the problem not the plates. It might take longer than expected but it should all work out.
Me: yes!
Sloan: now your ankle is progressing just slowly, so we will continue as we have been
Me: alright thank you
Sloan: of course, bye Savannah
Me: bye Dr. Sloan

I hung up and Brad and Hope were staring at me expectantly.

Me: yes?
Brad: tell us
Me: I'll think about it
Hope: oh really?
Me: it may take some time
Brad: not if we force it out of you now
Hope: get her

Me: ahh no! that's not fair I can't run!

Hope and Brad grabbed me and started tickling me.

Me: fine I'll tell you! Stop I'm gonna pee
Brad: should we?
Me: Yes!
Hope: fine spill
Me: My shoulder is doing well and it's the ligaments not the plates.
Brad: that's good
Me: and my ankle is progressing just slowly
Hope: good

We decided to watch Game of Thrones until Hope and Brad started dinner while I watched.

Hope: the supervisor isn't supposed to eat the food
Me: I'm just making sure everything is tasting well
Brad: you keep eating, we're going to kick you out
Me: fine, I'll just check emails instead.

I had to post a couple of ads and then dinner was finished. We had ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. We ate and talked about graduation coming up. We decided on a movie and sat on the couch once everything was cleaned up. I was out 10 minutes into the movie.

Brad: today was the first time she's really laughed since she got hurt
Hope: I could tell
Brad: it was good to see her back to normal even if it might have been just for today
Hope: I hope it wasn't just today

Brad and Hope went to bed after the movie ended. Around midnight I woke up and mumbled to Brad about going to Hope. I scooted my way down the hall and to Hope's room.

Me: mom...mama
Hope: Savannah?
Me: can I sleep with you?
Hope: of course, come on SB

I climbed in and Hope and I fell right back to sleep.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now