Chapter 1

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Another day, another week, another month, another year. Today was the last week if summer. I had tried hard to regain my confidence. I tanned, worked out, and most of all started a Youtube channel, and hit 1 million subscribers in 4 months. I was proud of myself, but going back to school, ment getting bullied again, by 5 of the most strongest boys in the school. Taylor, Cameron, Nash, Matt, and Carter. My sister was coming over today, to help me 'fix myself up' for school. I did all the body work, and today Janielle and I were going to the mall to shop for chlothes, and get facils. We went to a bunch of stores, and lastly we went to Victoria Secret. I was going in when I got stopped by a women, that said

Modeling Agent

Victoria Secret

"Yes" I said turning around to face her. "Ello there love, I'm the modeling agent fo' Victoria secret, and I was wonderin' if you'd like to join us? You are what we're looking for, so give us a call please!" She said in a thick British accent. I nodded my head, and she handed me a card with her number on it. I never excpected this. I decided to watch, and see if she was doing that to everyone, but when I look back, she's gone. Janielle gives me a questioning look. I explain everything, and she's says "I'm so proud of you Amanda! You are not backing off this offer". I nod my head and we continue shopping. I kept on thinking about the offer. I model for Abrecombie, and Hollister, but Victoria Secret! It is a big deal for me! 

When we arrive, I take all of my chlothes out from my closet, and replace them with the new ones I bought. We drive to a homeless shelter, and donate my old chlothes to them. Might as well help others. while helping yourself. I go in to the bathroom and look at myself. I had gotten a clearing facil, and my face didn't have a speck on it, my hair chessnut hair, was died in to a nice hazel color, turning into dark blonde as it traveled to my hips. My dark blue eyes, staring in to my reflection. I was pretty short. 5'5 for a sixteen year old is short, right? I never cared though. I am strong, and brave, and none of the boys can change that.

-Monday-First day of school-

I slip out of bed by the sound of my alarm clock buzzing in my ear. I sigh. Today was the day I was dreading since summer, but I was partially excited, since I got a new look. I was meeting up with Anthony (lohanthony) since he was one of my best friends, but it turns out that he had to be fashinobly late, because he was transferring to online school. We still hung out, but since he was transferring he was only going to come for today, but it turns out it's only for half of the day. I slowly get in to the shower, and wash myself with my Bath and Body works body wash. I blowdry my hair and put it in a messy bun (imagine Zoella's hair), and put on my trible short shorts, and a plain white muscle tank. I put on my black vans, while going downstairs to grab an apple for breakfast. I go into my sisters room, and grab some of the makeup we brought yesterday. I put on some eyeliner, mascara, some conceler, and lipgloss, and head out the door to my car.

-At school-

I get out of the car, slinging my bag over my shoulder, and start to walk to the building, when I feel a hand grad me. I wince, already knowing who's it was. The one, and only, Cameron Dallas.


The bell rang, releasing the kids to go. I run out of the classroom hoping they don't catch me but no luck. I feel a pair of hands toss me against the locker, and two others come to hold me down. They kick and punch me. I can do nothing but just cry. Everybody was watching me be in pain. The last thing that I remebered was the same pair of hands that held me today slap me across the face. It hit me pretty hard, and I was knocked unconsious till' Anthony found me, and called for help. Only him, and Janielle know what really happend. I just hope that this year is differnt. I remember praying everynight for my life to get better. For my mom to help me, but it was no luck, she was gone forever and always. She was atleast with God, and still in my heart, but being with her physically would have helped. My dad, and I's bond is good, but he's on the weakest branch of the tree, so telling him these things would break him even more. The tragic accident that happend to my mom, put him in a very weak place. He has a nice job, and we are one of the richest people in California, since my dad is the financial advisor for Apple, he make a decent amount of money. He is happy with his job, but the only thing is he's usually on buissness trips, and visits so often. Me and my sister live by ourselves. My sister was on a 2 week vacation in Rio, and came back yesterday, so I wasn't alone. My life has been a tragedy, and the pair of hands that grabbed me made it living hell

-End of Flashback-

I try to yank my arm out from his grip, but he dosn't let go. I turn around to face him. "Can you let go of me" I snap. I had gained self confiedence throughout the summer. "No, unless you tell me you name, and number" he says with a wink. My eyes grow wide. He dosnt know who I am, and he's flirting with me. Just as I was about to tell him off, his eyes travel behind me, and he lets go to greet his friend. My bullies. I take this as a chance to run away, they were too busy doing their handshake, so I slipped right passed them. I heard footsteps behind me, so I walked a little faster. "Aye, wait up…" I hear Taylor's voice behind me. "Um yes"? "We didnt catch your name" he says reffering to all of the guys. "I don't recall throwing it" I say, and leave. "Damn she's hot" and "Look at that ass" are traveling behind me as I walk to the building. Eyes follow me. This makeover has done me alot. I go to my locker, and see Jack (thatsojack) there. "Hey" I say walking over to him. "Amanda"? He goes wide eyed. I sush him, before anyone else hears him. I nod and give him a hug. I explain to him everything that happend, just before the bell rings. I give him one last hug, and go to Science, my first class. I slip into my seat, and start getting my things out, when I notice someone slip into the seat next to me. It was Matt. "Hey" he says smiling. I remember having a crush on him in 7th grade, but after the bullying, I stopped.  I smile a fake smile, and turn to face the board. I feel a slip of paper go on my desk, and sure enough there was. I open it and see it was from Matt.

Text me! 333-333-3333

I crumble the peice of paper in front if his eyes, and stand up to go throw it away. I see pain in his eyes, but I dont care, ever since I met them, my eyes and heart were filled with pain. Everyday.

The day goes by fast, and finnaly it's time for lunch. I go there quickly, because Anthony said he was going to be there. I see him, and my mood lights up. I go behind him, and close his eyes. "Excuse me bitch, but um if you don't want me to look at your ratchet face, why dont you cover your fucking eyes". he say. I laugh. His sass is basically the funniest thing on earth. I let go, and stand in front if him. "OMG! I missed my little whore so much" he says engulfing me in a hug. He has seen me with my new makeover so it didnt take him by suprise like the others. I laugh. We sit at the closest table, and start talking. He starts to eat a school salad. "Finally, I can escape this world of eating this bitch ass food". I nod in agreement. Soon Jack sits down next to us. We talk abou the randomest thing, and I feel the seats next to me get occupied. Anthony's eyes them, and I know exactly who they are…

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