Silent Siren: Chapter 1

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Please play the song above, this chapter is heavily based on it and it will add to the story.
🌊Hear the sirens song🌊

The sun was slowly disappearing into the sea as Seala and her five sisters gathered to hear their sister Suvanna sing her siren song. They climbed on top of the rocks in the sea, tails dangling at the surface of the water, their long nails digging a trail across the stone edges.

The waves were already high and slammed recklessly against the shore, taunting the one who was about to tame them.

Suvanna opened her mouth and let out a beautiful first melody. Her voice was high and frail. The waves responded with whispers of their own, growling at the siren as she continued her song. Her voice became stronger and her mermaids joined her, making their voices echo the melody of their mistress.

Suvanna's song slowly started to overpower the whispers of the sea and with her hands she started to move the surrounding waves. Controlling them. As her voice echoed further through the sea, her control over it became stronger and stronger.

Every movement was now under the control of Suvanna. Seala watched her older sister from afar, admiring the power and grace in which she controlled the sea.

Suvanna waved her hand and a golden bridge was shattered by the waves. She wasted no time and swam towards the bridge at lightning speed. All the while whispering her song, trying to maintain control.

Her movements were swift while she swam between the crumbling bridge, dodging all the bricks and statues as they fell into the water. She was looking for something or someone. The waves consumed everything that entered the water and became higher and wilder with every second.

Suvanna was losing the control, but she didn't stop swimming. She sang as loud as could, while searching for the one.

The one she loved.

Her voice began to tremble with fear and was barely audible over the roaring of waves and the screams of her victims. The sea was out of control.

Seala glanced over at her oldest sister, Sedna with fear in her eyes. "We have to do something!"

Sedna simply grinned as she watched the chaos unfold before her, her amber eyes glistening with delight.

It made Seala even more fearful as she realized that this was all part of the test.

Suvanna was still singing, tears now staining her eyes as she got more and more desperate to find the one. In here desperation she created a whirlpool, making all the victims and bridge fragments swirl around her.

She started to sob uncontrollably when she finally found her love, heavily wounded and barely alive.

Her hands reached out to him and rapped around his shoulder, bringing  him close to her chest. She kissed his lips softly before she let out a cry in her song, indicating he was now hers.

After this her power seemed to explode and the man's body was merged with that of a fish, his skin got covered with fine scales. The waves were now moving around the siren and her merman, bowing, obeying her every command. Suvanna's voice was more powerful than ever, but her face was stained by her tears and clearly showed the emotional pain she was in.

The sea finally calmed and slowly became more mellow, until it became completely motionless for a moment.

Right as Seala thought it was all over Sedna began to sing beside her. Her voice copied the song of her younger sister as she slowly made her way towards the couple. Her eyes were still burning like fire, when she examined the wreckage Suvanna had caused.

Seala feared the worst, Sedna was not known for her generosity and if she didn't think Suvanna had caused enough damage, she would show her and her lover no mercy.

She could and would kill them in an instant. After all she had done it before or so said the rumors Seala had heard from the mermaids.

Sedna moved the surrounding water with ease, not even bothering to lift a finger. She was so much more powerful than her sister and made sure that everyone knew that. Her gaze was locked on Suvanna and the sea parted, making a clear path.

Sedna was now a few feet away from Suvanna, who held on to the unconscious man's body like her life depended on it. Sedna bowed her head, showing her approval and Suvanna responded the same.

The Indian Ocean had a new Siren.


With this thought Seala awoke violently from her slumber. The memory of that day kept haunting her dreams. The day she saw for the first time what a Siren's song could do.

One of her mermaids in waiting entered the underwater cave. "What's wrong Seala, I heard you screaming."

"It's nothing Mariana, I just had a bad dream," Seala answered faking a smile at the elderly woman.

But Mariana knew Seala to well to fall for her deception, "It was that dream again, wasn't it?"

Seala's smile disappeared and was replaced by a gloomy look. "Yes, I...I'm just not ready. What if I can't control the sea, what if.."

"You will be fine I know it. Sedna would not make you sing if she didn't think you were ready," Mariana interrupted the young Siren, trying to ease her worries.

"You don't know what she's like Mariana." Seala countered fearful.

"But I do know that she cares about you. She raised you Seala," Mariana added.

Seala nodded agreeing. It was no use arguing with Mariana, she would never give in. The old mermaid had been around the underwater world for more than a millennium, far longer than most mermaids lived.

But a Siren was immortal and could only be killed by another Siren.

And soon it was Seala's turn to take her rightful place as the Siren of the Arctic ocean and it terrified her.


Welcome to the new series I'm starting this summer. If you like this story please vote or comment to support the series.

I was also thinking about adding music to every chapter. What do you guys think would it add something or would it just be obnoxious?

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