Silent Siren: Chapter 2

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Please play the song above, this chapter is heavily based on it and it will add to the story.  __________________________________

Far across the ocean lay the port city of Barrow. A small city in the most northern part of Alaska, where the snow and ice roamed the landscape, making it a bare wasteland of sea and snow.

At the shoreline of this ice land stood a young boy, staring to the ocean. The arctic winds were blowing through his umber hair, making him shiver as the cold chilled him to the bone. He cursed the arctic cold under his breath pulling his scarves a little higher, up to his nose.

"One day, I'll be where the sun is always shining. Where it's always warm", he thought to himself as he watched the sun disappear behind an ice float, dreaming of a future filled with warmth and sunshine, maybe somewhere in LA. There he could swim in the ocean, without freezing to death. There he could walk outside without at least three layers of clothing.

He walked through the whalebone arch as he made his way back to the town, seeing dark clouds appear above the city.

Jake was never the most upbeat person but tonight there was something that just made him really anxious, and he couldn't figure out what. Things hadn't changed at all. He was still a loser at his school, he was still an outcast in this city, and he was still alone. Always alone.

He didn't want to go home, not like this. Maybe a stroll through the lagoon would calm him down. It was the most peaceful place, one Jake had visited countless times when he tried to get away from the bullies.

He made his way to Isatkoak and felt the wind push him forward with each step. It was like someone was pushing him, urging him to move on. He looked over his shoulder several times, to find that there was nobody there.

The winds were howling in his ear, like they wanted him to move faster. His feet started to jog and then run, he knew he had to run. He ran as fast as he could, letting his heartbeat raise and feeling his body warm up. He got an adrenaline rush, which made him sprint even faster, he didn't even know he could move this fast.

The lagoon appeared on both sides, gulping him up as he ran towards the bridge that stretched across the lagoon. Only when he reached the middle of the bridge did he stop to catch his breath. Water was all around him.

It was like he was standing on the water itself, it was magical. It never failed to be magical, but tonight with the snow that started to fall, it was just breathtaking. He stared out across the still water, his ragged breaths forming puffs of smoke in the cold air.

The winds suddenly stopped, the water was so still it appeared to be a mirror. And the city was quiet. In fact everything was quiet. There was no sound, all Jake could hear was his own breathing.

Then something rose to the surfaces of the water.

A woman came up from the lagoon, her eyes barely above the waterline. Two turquoise eyes gazed at Jake with amazement and curiosity.

As she swam closer to the bridge, Jake got a better look at her. Her skin was as white as snow. So was her long hair, that drifted around her like silver seaweed. Her face was round, and had such soft features it made her look like a porcelain doll. He only broke eye contact with her when he saw something emerge behind her. It looked like, like a tail! Did she have a fish tail?

She was now at the edge of the bridge, and reached her hands out to Jake as if to ask him to lift her out of the water. Her slim limbs stretched out like a child, wanting to be picked up by its mother. Jake obliged and grabbed her arms. He pulled as hard as he could, but to his surprise she was not as heavy as he thought.

He fell flat on his back on the hard wood, the girl landing on top of him. It was at this moment that he realized that not only did this girl have a tail, but she was also naked. His eye betrayed him for a moment and scanned across her petite frame. She buried her face in his chest, absorbing Jake's warmth.

Jake was still holding on to her arms and felt that they were ice-cold. "Here take my jacket, you must be freezing", he stuttered. The girl quietly took his jacket and rapped it around her bare torso.

She stared down at her fin, snow falling on the green scales. She focused her gaze harder on the tail, squinting her eyes, until the scales disappeared. In their place two human legs appeared.

"I didn't know mermaids could do that", Jake whispered awestruck.

The girl turned her head to meet his gaze and looked confused, "Mermaids can't do that, sirens can."

"So, you're a siren?"

"Yes," the girl answered as she rolled onto her stomach and tried to raise herself to her knees. "My name is Seala."

Her limbs were wobbling, making her looked like an infant that could not yet walk. Knees buckling and very unstable.

"I'm Jake. Do you, uhm.. need some help?" He cautiously reached out to her, but she instantly took his offer, falling into his arms. Her nails were digging into his shoulders like claws. Jake hissed in pain, but didn't push her away, even though her deep cuts had drawn blood.

"I'm so sorry, this is my first time in this human form. I'm not used to it," she apologized.

Jake bit his lip, trying not to show her how much the cuts stung. "It's okay. So, why are you here? I mean, what are you doing here?"

Seala eyes went wide with fear, "I can't tell you, not here."

"We can go to my house, you're safe there."

"That would be wonderful, you have my thanks." With Seala still leaning on Jake, the two made their way to the house. Jake made sure they took a quiet road, so that no one would see this mysterious girl.

Luckily his jacked was long enough to cover her up, but she was still visible shaking and moving like a young deer.

He wanted to ask her so many questions but her eyes where glued to her bare feet as she concentrated on the mere act of waking, so the questions would have to wait.

For now he was just happy she was holding on to him, leaning on him. For the first time, he didn't feel alone.


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