Chapter 18

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Warning: you'll probably need some Kleenex. The end of the end of this chapter is sad.

Alison, Ethan and I spent the rest of the time watching television and eating. Well i really wasn't watching television, I was worried about if this plan would work or not. I feel sorry for my poor fingernails and my lip because I am biting the heck out of them.

After they left I went up to my room to think some more. By think I mean stress myself out more than I already am. I don't think I've stressed myself out this much. I really wish I had one of those previous girls to help me through this. Unfortunately for me, I don't. So now I sitting in my room thinking of what could happen.

In order for this plan to work I have to really and I mean really have to concentrate. As much as I hate to be around Zayn, I have to if I want him to leave me alone. I have make this plan as believable as possible.

I have until Friday to pull this off. If I want Zayn and the rest of the student body to believe this, I have to be affectionate. I have to be so affectionate even I believe that it's for real.

If I cant make this work so many things can happen. All the people that I love and care about could be hurt or even worse killed. My Papa is still in the hospital and it doesn't seem like he's making any progress. I don't need that happening for anyone else.

If this plan doesn't work all I have to do is make sure that my family survives Zayn. I don't really care what he does to me. I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. After all those fights I was in at my last school and everyone's butts I beat, I think I get a couple of punches in.

After stressing about this for a couple of hours, I decided that I would make myself some dinner. I got out of my bed and made my way downstairs into my kitchen. When I made my way to the kitchen I just decided I didn't want to cook, so decided to just order a pizza.

After calling it in, I took a seat on the couch and watched Ridiculousness. After about 45 minutes my pizza arrived. Unfortunately I don't have that 30 minutes or less mess. After paying the pizza guy, I went back to the couch and started eating. I stayed up to watch about 6 shows and made my way upstairs to get some sleep.


I enter the cafeteria, going straight to my table. I take a seat by Alison and waited anxiously for Zayn and his 'gang' to arrive. "Are you nervous?" Alison asked. Can she not see that. I'm practically crapping my pants. I simply replied by shaking my, fearing if I opened my mouth I would lose my breakfast.

Ethan came a little bit later and we held a conversation until the time came. That time was when the Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Harry made their way to our table. it seem like they were moving in slow motion as they made their way towards us.

As always Zayn made his way to sit by me. As usual he put his arm around me, but this time I 'melted' into it. Zayn turned his head and looked at me with a shocked expression. I can tell he didn't expect me to do this.

The rest of lunch is spent with Harry's 'funny' jokes and Niall's contagious laughing. When the bell ring I make my way to my next class. I didn't make it far because Zayn interrupted me. "So what was that about in the cafeteria? Zayn asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked trying to sound as innocent as possible. I really hope that he didn't see through this. He just looked at me with a smirk. It wasn't long before his lips were pressed to my ear.

"I want you to know that I know about this plan. I know everything. You can't out smart me. By the way you'll have something for you when you get home." he said before taking his lips away from my ear and walking away.

I entered my house and called out for Maria, I got no reply. i called her a couple of more times and still i got no reply. Maybe she was sleeping. I decided to go up to her room and check on her.

I open the door to her room and gasp at what I see. There laying on her bed was Maria, but she wasn't sleeping, unless you count never waking up again sleeping. She was covered in her own blood. I could just by her position that she was sleeping.

I slowly made my way over to her body. Why couldn't he kill me instead? I wish I would've been here, I could have prevented this. I sit on the floor and bring my knees to my chest and cry.

"WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ME? WHAT DID I EVER DO?" I scream at the top of my lungs. I just let it all out. I just sit on the floor and cry.

"I just want to die." I whisper. When I said this I heard rustling. I looked up and there stood Zayn. "Is that really what you want? I can do that for you." He asked moving closer to me.

"What do I have to live for?" I asked. I didn't want to live. My Papa's dead, Maria's dead and I won't have a little brother. I just think that's its time.

"So is that a 'yes'? I can do it right now." Zayn said pulling out a gun. I just nodded my head, I needed to go. I guess got the message because he aimed the gun at my head and pulled the trigger.


Thanks guys. Sorry it took me so long, I tried to make. It longer for you. Thanks for 4.5k reads. You guys are the best. I seriously didn't think my story would get 1,000 reads let alone 4,500.

Twisted Souls Book 1: Zayn's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now