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Zayn watched as they pulled to his new house. Of course he didn't want to leave his best mates but he had too. He needed to make sure Bianca forgot about him and the things he had done. Well maybe not forgot about the things he had done but forget about him. Forget about the monster he is and the vulgar things he had done. He wanted her to graduate and have a good future with out him in it as painful as it is for him.

He hopes that Bianca came up with a decent reason as to why he left. He changed his phone number just in case any one tried to reach him. He wanted it to be as if he was never there at that school. He wanted no one to remember him as the guy who claimed girls and harmed them if they didn't accept. " Zayn help with the boxes" his mom calls. He actually back home in Bradford where he can finally be happy. He could finally forget about his time in America and all the girls he hurt.

Eventually Zayn did find happiness. He had all of his old friends back, he grades we great and he didn't claim or harm anymore girls. He still hasn't found the one to make him forget about Bianca but he knew he would in due time. For now all he had to do was be happy.


That was the last time that Bianca saw Zayn. The next morning at school she searched everywhere for him. No matter how hard she looked she just couldn't find Zayn. He just left after his speech, never giving her a chance to speak. Of course she didn't know what to say at that moment but he still didn't have to fun away. It was now lunch time and by now everyone noticed that Zayn wasn't here today. They all wondered where he was and why he didn't show. Everyone looked at Bianca seeing as Zayn talked to her and was most likely to tell her why he wasn't at school.

"So where's lover boy?" Niall asked.

"Yeah where's Zayn? Why isn't he here today?" asked Ethan.

Of course she wasn't dumb enough to actually tell them what happened to him. Even if she did tell them what Zayn did the boys probable wouldn't believe that they best friend would do such a thing. She was surprised that Zayn didn't tell that he was moving. Bianca figured he would tell them he was moving and just lie about the reason. She just decided to tell then that he was moving and make a lie, hopefully Zayn doesn't call them and tell them something different.

"He moved. I thought he told you guys that but apparently not. He said he was moving back to England, he said he was tired of Florida and its heat." Bianca said lying through her teeth. She had to admit that it was a really good lie and she had no idea how he came up with it that quick. She also couldn't understand how everyone at the table believe her so easily. Everyone nodded their heads and continued eating their lunches.

"I can't believe he didn't tell us he was moving. Why wouldn't he tell his best friend but tell Bianca?" Harry replied once he finished. Bianca even wanted to know this; why did he tell her but not his best friends? Why not tell the people who care about you and your well being, but tell the person who practically despises your existence.

As the days progressed everyone eventually got used to the fact that Zayn moved back to England. They slowly got used to sitting at the table and conversing without the Bradford boy. Soon everyone stopped taking about how Bianca was claimed by Zayn and the stares in the hallway stopped. She couldn't be happier that people finally stopped focusing on her.

Bianca couldn't be happier now that it was the day of graduation. She never expected to actually to graduate without her father watching but she had to get over it. She had to make the best of what she had, and that was Maria and her brother. The only thing that worried Bianca was the fact that tripping as she made her way up to the stage.

Fortunately for Bianca she didn't trip and successful made her way up to the stage and collected her diploma. She waited patiently for the rest of the seniors to get their names called and get theirs so she could get out of this hot robe and go home.

After countless pictures and Maria rambling on about how proud of Bianca she was they finally went home. Bianca made her way up to her room to catch up on the sleep until Maria called her for dinner. Occasionally she would pull out the letter and read it. 'What a year.' She thought. Never in a million years would she have predicted for this to happen.

A/N: I know this is crap. I know. I tried, I really did. Hopefully my other epilogues will be better. I can't believe I've finished a book. I just want to thank all of you for giving this story a change. I know the first chapter were crap but you kept reading so thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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