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The warm wind blows through my freshly curled hair, as I happily stare into the clear afternoon sky, lost in thought.

The sun kissing my already pink nose, causes me to laugh at the thought of how severely my nose had gotten sunburnt last summer. It was so bad that, the skin had shed for three weeks, even though everyone had warned me ahead of time to wear sunscreen, I was just too stubborn to listen, and so for that, I paid the price and everyone made fun of me for weeks.

I looked absolutely horrible.

Those are the kind of memories I think of now. Not the ones of my horrible, unhappy past.


Laughing, I shake my head and open my eyes.

"Mommy," I slightly hear again.

"Huh?" I question, unaware that anyone had been talking to me.

Zari leans back in the swing, her chestnut hair flying around her smiling face as she struggles to look at me. She playfully giggles, while reaching for the chain on the swing. "What are you doing, mommy? I been talking to you," she pouts, with her bottom lip sticking out.

Smiling, I stop the swing, walking in front of my daughter, to cup her little round face in my hands. She's my pride and joy and I know with everything in me, that I'd do anything for her.

It's her fourth birthday and I want her to enjoy each and every moment. "I'm sorry, baby girl." I gently tickle her. "What did you say? Mommy is listening now."

Zari pushes my hands away from her face and jumps from the swing. "I said that grandmas here. Hurry mommy," she says excitedly. "Grandma always gives the best gifts."

I stand back for a moment and watch as Zari takes off running through the soft grass.

Jace playfully jumps in front of her and reaches for her arm, but Zari dodges his reach and runs straight to my mother's arms.

She's become close with my mother and nothing can ever come between them.

It makes me happy. So happy, that sometimes I find myself crying at my mother finally turning her life around and being in our lives. It took her about a year after Henry's death for her to start coming around, but when she did, Jace slowly broke her down. Just as he does with everyone.

"Avery," my mother calls, "Come join the party." She flashes me her loving smile and reaches her arm out. "I have something to show you." She pats Zari on the butt and pushes her toward Jace. "Go with your father; mommy and I will be there in a few minutes."

Zari nods her head and reaches for Jace's outstretched hand. "You lovely ladies take your time." Jace winks at me and smiles at my mother. "We'll try not to eat the cake without you."

I place my hands to my hip and laugh. "Ha! Ha! Very funny. I'm telling you right now that if you eat that cake without us, you'll be wearing it," I tease.

Jace playfully bite his bottom lip and raises an eyebrow.

"Not in that way," I laugh. "We'll be right there."

Zari tugs on Jace's arm. "Daddy." Jace bends down and places a finger to her chin. "You better listen to mommy. She might just beat you up again," she teases, laughing in her father's face.

My mother and I break into a fit of laughter as Jace attempts to hide his blushing face. "She didn't..." he starts. "Oh never mind. You girls always win." He hoists Zari off the ground and throws her on his shoulders. "Let's race."

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