Chapter three: the reunion

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*le time skip~

It was a beautiful sunny day. Hot but you could handle it.
It was also a very special day.

Its your birthday!

This morning you woke up to your entire bedroom decorated with balloons and streamers, including a birthday banner.

There was also a few small wrapped up gifts on your dresser.

You jumped off your bed to rip them open.

the first one had a pair of little silver shoes.

The next had a cute small poofy dress in your favorite color.

And in the last, was a headband to match the dress and shoes.

You immediately got dressed into them.

Once you were dressed you took a look in the mirror.
You looked adorable. But no! Your five years old now, and you gotta start acting like it.
You put your hands on for hips and nodded to your reflection. Then you turned and sashayed out the door, but there was someone on the other side of the door waiting for you.
And it was Cece!

"Hey good morning birthday girl!"

You smiled "Thank you!"

Cece open her arms to give you a hug, and you hugged back.

"Wow, your getting so big! You've gotten pretty tall, for a five year old"

You giggled and stood on your tippy toes, up and down.

"Why dont you head to the kitchen. There's something waiting for you."

Your face lit up and you dashed to the kitchen.
You were pretty sure Cece was following right behind you.

Once in the kitchen, your jaw dropped.

There were decorations everywhere.
A huge pile of presents in one corner.
Balloons both on the ceiling, and just floating around on the floor.
Plus, everyone you know and love behind and around a table that had a beautiful birthday cake on it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ( y / n )!!!!"

Your face lit up even more. You smiled and blushed.

Your dad walked out from the crowd, and you ran up to hug him.

"Thank you papa!"

"hmhmhm...your papa welcome. Now go and play with your cousins friends outside."

"outside? But its so hot."

"Take a step outside and you'll forget all about the heat:"

You were about to run out.

" ( y / n ) wait!"
You turn around and see your dad holding another present.

"open it, then go change into it in your room."

He handed you the gift, and you smiled and ran to your room.

You close the door and then put the gift on your bed and ripped it open.
There in it was a brand new bathing suit.

You were stoked.

You got dressed then ran outside followed by all your cousins and friends.

Once outside you saw a big pool with floaties and even a slide connected to it! And there were buckets and water squirters.

Everyone ran to grab either buckets or a squirter, and some slid into the pool.

You got a bucket AND squirter, you were going to start a war!

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