chapter four: play date

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You hopped out the car and just headed straight to the door.

You entered the building and like always it was busy, with people rushing to their stations and doing what they were assigned for the day.

Some people said "hi" and "good morning" and just waved and gave you smiles.

You went deeper into the middle of the main entrance and then you were greeted with someone special.

"Heyyyyy, morning there little lady"

"Hi uncle Sammy!"

He bent down and messed up your hair a bit, then you two did your special handshake.
At the end he tickled your waist.

"i heard it was your birthday yesterday."

"uh huh"
you nodded

"Well then. i just happen to have this with me."

He digged into his pocket and took out a small wrapped up box.

Your face lit up as he handed it to you.

You unwrapped the cute little bow first, then you ripped up the paper.

It was a small little jewelry box. You opened it, and there was a small charm bracelet inside.

You gasped "its so pretty! Thank you uncle Sammy!"

"haha, i knew you'd like it."
It had jewels the color of the rainbow all around it with a big rose as the centerpiece.
The rose was flat and on the back it had something engraved.
"What this say?"

I looked up and turned to my papa who knelt down and took it from me to read it.

"Happy birthday my little lady, Uncle Sammy.

Awe Sam, you didnt have to."

Sammy took the bracelet from him to put it on you.
He clipped it onto your right wrist, it was pretty big, but it would fit you perfect as you got older.

He picked you up and swung you around a little.
"But i did. And it was worth it to see this little one smile."
You giggled as he squeezed you.

"Papa isnt it pretty??!"

"Haha, yes it is sweetie."

Sammy put you down and messed up your hair some more.

"By the way, Mr. Drew-"
"Oh right, the frames for the episode.."
Sammy clicked his tongue and snapped his fingers.

"Alright. Honey im gonna go work now, so you can go on and play, imma be working at my desk if you need anything"

"okay papa!"
You turned around and disappeared into the busy halls to find your friends.

Sammy smiled as he watched you run off.

"Thank you Sammy. Your a good man"

"Nah, your a good father. And you got one heck of a kid there. She is gonna grow up to do big things one day..."

Your father smiled at the thought.

"Yeah, she will. i just know it."

Sammy sighed.
"Well! Off to go work on some more music with the band."
Sammy patted Henry's shoulder.

"You should get to those drawings"

Then off he went.

Henry stood there for a moment, then headed over to his work desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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