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'Can I ask you a question?' Kyle moved so he was sitting opposite Dan.

'Yeah man do it.'

'You know that song on our album?'

'Which one?'



'Who's that about?'

'Who's the song about?'


'No one in particular. I dunno, I just write it hoping people could relate.'

'So it's like a story?' Kyle passed the joint they were sharing to Dan's hand.

Dan took a quick drag before talking again. 'Yeah. I mean, someday I hope it'll be about someone, you know?'

'Yeah man, I get you.'

'Do you wanna stay at my place tonight?'

'Yeah may as well, we have a live lounge tomorrow don't we?'

'For what?' Dan giggled slightly before leaning on his arm.

'Our band. You know Bastille. We're playing.'

'Oh yeah ha.'

'I think we should get you to bed.'

'Who's we.'

'You and me.'


'Come on, you're mad.'

Kyle guided Dan towards the stairs, into his room and onto his bed.

'I'm sleeping in your bed tonight.' Kyle flopped down next to Dan on the double bed.

'Cool man.'



Kyle leaned on his one side and shuffled closer to Dan. 'I think you're pretty.'

'Whattttttttt?' Dan giggled again, then looked up towards Kyle. There faces were so close together and they stayed like that for a good few moments.

'Nothing, come on, you gotta sleep.' Kyle quickly moved away after somehow realising what was happening.


'Fuck.' Dan woke, one arm slung over Kyle's torso. They both stank of weed. 'Kyle.'

'Mmmm...yeah?' Quickly rubbed his eyes and sat up slightly. 'Shit we gotta take showers man'

'I know, you go first while I make breakfast. You know where the towels and shit are right?'

'Yeah, thanks man.'

'Alright' Dan quickly fixed his glasses on his face and pretty much stumbled down the stairs.

It was only a short amount of time before Kyle walked down the stairs wearing only a pair of jeans.

'I don't have a t-shirt that doesn't smell offff...You know...' Kyle rubbed the back of his neck slightly.

'You can borrow one of mine, I'll go take a shower now and just choose a shirt from my wardrobe.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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