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Author's Note:

Hey guys! Thank you for reading Inevitable! If you read my first story, Unpredictable, thank you sooo much for coming back to read Inevitable!! Please comment below and let me know what you thought of Unpredictable. If you haven't read it, then I highly suggest you do because Inevitable is the second book to Unpredictable. There will definitely be more to come! I'm hoping to make it into a series. Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I LOVE YOU!!!! Enjoy! :)


Chapter 1

The past was not always the best for Liz. She had a miserable childhood and was even sent to boarding school by her parents. When she graduated from high school things started to finally look up for her. Liz got accepted to the best medical school there is and met a very tall, handsome man named Matthew Neumann. They became best friends while Liz mentioned to date every other man on campus, not knowing that Matthew was the one for her. He was the one whom Liz told all of her secrets to, he was there when she needed a shoulder to cry on.

After graduation, Matthew left the country and Liz moved to Florida where she met Krista Hart. Krista then became her best friend. Once Liz got promoted to Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Matthew Neumann took her place at the Central Florida Zoo. What were the odds that they would meet back up? In Florida? She knew then that it was meant to be.

Once reunited, Matthew and Liz were crazy for each other. They were definitely madly in love. Suddenly, when all was going perfect, Matthew was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. It was a very rough stage in their relationship, but they made it through it. That was Matthew's sign saying that Liz was the one for him.

Matthew's tumor was removed and he finished chemotherapy within a couple of weeks. Krista and her long-term boyfriend got married within a couple months of their engagement as well. Now, Liz is six months pregnant and they are both engaged to be married.


"Come on, Liz! We're going to be late!" Matt shouted from the living room.

"I'm coming! I'm just putting on my yoga pants!" Liz yelled back at him from their bedroom.

They had an ultrasound appointment to find out the sex of their baby. Liz knew that Matthew was dying for a boy of his own. She did not really care, but a girl would be nice. It the baby was a girl, Liz could use her high sense of fashion on someone other than her best friend, Krista.

Finally, Liz is ready for the appointment. Wearing her Victoria's Secret yoga pants and t-shirt, she hops in the car and Matthew drives them to the doctor's. Arriving a couple minutes late, the receptionist tells the couple that they need to wait about ten minutes for the doctor to see them. They have a seat and start talking about the baby.

"What do you think it will be?" Matt asks.

"Well, I've been carrying rather high. Perhaps a girl?"

Matt reaches his hand and lays it on Liz's stomach, "I was kinda hoping for a little football player."

"Well maybe she will be a field hockey girl," Liz chuckles.

"Oh come on, Liz. If this baby is a girl, she will have no chance playing outside in the mud," Matt jokes.

Before they could get any deeper into their conversation, the nurse interrupts, "Elizabeth Rananti?" Matthew stands up and reaches his arm out for Liz to take it. They walk into the examination room and Liz makes herself comfortable in the chair.

"You okay, babe?" Matt asks.


The doctor walks into the room and lifts up Liz's shirt. It always catches Matthew off guard when the doctor does that. Liz feels the Doppler Gel land onto her semi-round stomach, right over her belly button. The doctor grabs the transducer and lays it on top of the jelly substance. Up on the monitor, they see a little fetus. The sight brought tears to Matthew's eyes. He looks down at Liz and notices that she's not looking.

"Babe, look. That's our child," Matt points out. Liz was afraid to look. She was afraid that she would look over onto the monitor and notice something wrong with her baby. Finally, she takes a deep breath as she looks over at her baby for the first time. When her eyes meet the screen, she gasps and throws her hand over her mouth, beginning to cry.

"What? What is it?" Matt asks.

"I've never seen something more beautiful," Liz replies as Matthew leans down and kisses her.

The doctor had a funny look to him. He was looking confused at the monitor. He puts the transducer down, smiles at Liz and excuses himself from the room. Liz went to look at the monitor, but the image was gone. "What just happened?" Matt asked Liz. She looks back up at Matt and replied, "I...I don't know, but that was strange."

A nurse walks into the room with another doctor. The new doctor smiled at Liz and Matt. He says, "Alright Dr. Rananti, let's take a look at your baby." He puts more of the Doppler Gel on Liz's stomach and takes the transducer. Beginning to examine the baby, the doctor looks down at Liz. "Congratulations you two, you're having a baby boy." Liz and Matthew shout for joy as Matthew leans over and places another kiss on her cheek.

"How's the baby?" Liz asks the doctor.

"Dr. Rananti, we regret to inform you that your son has HLHS," the doctor replied.

"What?" Liz shouted, "How can this be?"

"What is HLHS?" Matt asks, confused.

"Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome," Liz answers while sobbing.

"What does that mean?" asks Matt again.

"Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome occurs when parts of the left side of the heart, mitral valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, and aorta, do not develop completely. In patients with this condition, the left side of the heart is unable to send enough blood to the body. As a result, the right side of the heart must maintain the circulation for both the lungs and the body," the doctor answers, informly.

"Well...what causes it?" Matt asks.

"There isn't a known cause, Matty," Liz answers, "we've been trying to find out for a long time, but we can't."

"Well how is our son going to be able to breathe when he's born?"

"The right ventricle can support the circulation to both the lungs and the body for a while, but this extra workload eventually causes the right side of the heart to fail. I can not believe this is happening," Liz answers again.

Matthew and Liz pack up their belongings and leave the hospital, along with a photocopy of their son. The ride home was long and nothing could prevent the tears from streaming down Liz's face. They were inevitable.

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