Chapter 7

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"Say hi to your mama," the maternity nurse said as she handed Liz's son to her. Liz receives her beautiful baby boy and stares at him in awe. There were tears streaming down her face and it was obvious that Matthew was holding them back. She gently strokes her son's scalp.

"Matty, look at him," Liz whispers peering at her son. "Look at the life that we just brought into this world. He's beautiful."

"That's because he looks just like you," Matt responds, smiling down at Liz and kisses her.

Liz laughs, "Matt, he has your eyes and your hair."

"I've never seen someone more precious."

"We're parents," Liz whispers, getting the butterfly feeling in her stomach.

Matthew leans down and pecks Liz. How could this beautiful child have such a rare condition? He looked absolutely normal. Liz pulls the wrap that her son was in down and noticed that he had a small, portable heart monitor covering his chest. She was only able to hold her baby for a few minutes before they had to take him into the back to do some testing.

Liz gives her son back to the nurse as Matthew pulls up a chair next to the bed. "You did great," he said to Liz. She looks at him and begins to cry. It always caused enormous pain in Matthew's heart to see her upset. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I don't want anything to happen to him, Matty. If something did, I don't know what I would do."

"He will be fine, babe. He is the perfect child and I wouldn't want it any other way."

"I saw the monitor covering his chest, Matt. They don't normally put the monitor on right away unless it's bad."

"Don't think about it. What should we name him?"

"You know, the second he was put in my arms, I thought he looked like a Trevor."

"Trevor? I like that," Matt replies with a smile.

"Do we finally agree on a name?"

"Funny, isn't it?" The two laugh as the doctor walks into the room.

"Dr. Rananti, how are you feeling?" the doctor asks.

"I'm fine, how's the baby?"

"He will be fine. We will need to perform surgery on him in about two days."

Liz's heart dropped. "Two days? But he's just an infant!" she shouts.

"It is a harmless procedure. He will be fine, garunteed."

Matt smiles down at Liz, "It will be ok, Hun."

"Have you two come up with a name yet?"

"Trevor," Matt answers.

"Ah, Trevor. That's beautiful. Will it be Trevor Rananti, or Trevor Neumann?"

"Trevor Neumann. We are getting married," Liz tells the doctor.

The doctor walks out of the room to fill out the baby's birth certificate and forms.


Three days later...

Baby Trevor is finished surgery and returns back to the nursery. Liz and Matthew are growing impatient waiting for their son to come out of surgery. It did not take too long, but for the new parents, it felt like hours. The doctor comes out and greets Liz and Matthew.

"He's out. And it looks good, real good," the doctor said.

"Oh thank God," Liz says, relieved.

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