Hayes Grier- After the flight

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The flight was long and boring, considering I mainly slept on Hayes' shoulder the entire time. It turned out that Anna didnt live too far from Jc, so that worked out for him.

Hayes took my hand in his, and then walked closer to me. I looked over at him, smiling. But my smile was not in fact, a genuine smile, it was a sad one.

We have school tomorrow.

Hayes and I obviously had to go our seperate ways, I had to go home for a day. Nash had dropped me off at my old house and I had walked to the door, but before I got there, I remembered that I had totally forgot about my parents.

Crud. My old house

I opened my phone, calling Hayes but there was no answer.

Taylor had agreed to let me go back to my own school, only because Hayes would be there with me and knew that he would protect me if he had to.

I walked down the stairs, my feet making a tiny 'bam' and a small 'bang' on each step. I heard yelling behind me, and when I turned, I was met with my old mothers icey blue eyes.

Her mouth was pressed in one straight line, seeming to regret nothing. She had her nose scrunched up, and I had lived with her long enough to know that she does this when she gets confused, and I looked at her with a dark flame in my eyes.

She walked out the door, and began running after me. It took me a moment to realize what she was doing, before she was halfway near me. I took off, starting my way down the driveway and down the paved hill. She ran fast for someone in their thirty year old range.

"What do you want!" I screamed, trying to breathe and yell at the same time

"You have to come home," She yelled back "The Caniffs are not your real family"

"Woah, hold on!" I screamed "How do you know about the Caniff family, have you been stalking me?!" I turned back to look at her and she nodded.


Okay, so what had happened lately.

Lets see, I broke my arm, got trillions of death threats, I got pushed, called names, got pushed again,and yet the oinly good thing was Hayes.



I looked back, and then dissapared around a corner, hearing her protests. She wasnt sure where to go, and I said 'good job to myself as I reached Hayes' house.

I knocked on the door furiously,

"Jackie? What happened?"

You see, Hayes had to go home before Nash dropped me off, so he didnt know that Nash dropped me off at my old house.

"Nash dropped me off at my old house by accident, Im not sure why." I said, attempting to stop shaking. I was expecting a few tears to fall out of my eyes, but none came.

Nash ran down and as soon as he saw me, he turned as white as a ghost.

"Are you alright?"

"Im fine."

"Look, Im so sorry, I totally forgot." He said

"Yeah I know." I excused myself to go to the bathroom, and took everything that just happened in.

My mother, the psycho.

I scrummaged through my bag as I heard the house door open, and I pulled out my sharp razor.

I slid it across my right arm with my left, casted one.

"Jackie?" I heard a knock at the door as I tried to compress my sobs and tried to wipe away the blood, but it kept coming and coming, flowing faster every time

"One second!" I yelled out in the most Jackie'est voice I could while crying.

I quickly wrapped my arm in wrap and splashed water in my face, wiping it off with a towel.

I walked to the door, unlocking it, and sitting down on the floor with my head in my knees. I told the person to come in, and it was Jc's lover, Anna.

"Anna?" I sniffled, and she rolled up her sleeve, grabbing my wrist and holding it. "Why are you-"

"Jc forgot something so we came here." She replied

"Why did you do that?" She asked

"Because-" I started

"Because why?" She inturupted. I looked at Anna closely, to notice faded scars on her wrist, they were white, and she was clean.

"You are clean." I said, still looking at the small cuts

"And you are going to be as well!" She grabbed the razor, and told me to get every sort of thing that I could possibly cut myself with.
I passed her everything I had used, and she put them in a small ziplock bag, packing them into her giant pocket book.

"If you ever feel like cutting, call me first. Alright? You can not keep doing this." She told me and I sighed

"I know. Can you please get Hayes."

She stumbled out the door and I listened closely to her call for Hayes and he rushed through.

"Jackie, little baby, not again!" He looked down at my with sympathy, and then sat down in front of me.

"Im sorry." I couldnt stop tears from watering and gathering up in my eyes. I squeezed hard, trying to stop the feeling, but nothing stopped or came out.

He grabbed bandages and strapped up my arms.

"Jackie, I love you." I rested my head on his shoulder and he sighed.

"Jackie, I will fix you."

A/N this chapter was for my broken friend. I love her.

I love you Anna, your the bestest friend I could ever have.
And you Anna, are worth everything.

-Lauren xx

(CHAPTEr IN EDITING BC its confuzzling)

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