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I'm not a normal 15-year-old. In fact, I'm far from it. I finished college when I was 11 and I got my powers when I was 13. My father is the Tony Stark and my mom was a neurologist in Mexico. She died after giving birth to me. She named, gave the doctors my dad's name and then checked out.

Is it hard to talk about? Not really, I didn't know her at all. To my dad, I used to look just like her. Yes, "used to" and I'm about to tell you why.

School was... different. In a way, I was homeschooled. Dad had people come and teach me. By the time I was six, I was done with high school. Shocker, I know. Perks of being a genius I guess. Well, let's just say it was a breeze. Then when I finished everything and took the IQ test. A nice 310. People were even more shocked. I honestly don't blame them.

As if growing up a Stark wasn't strange enough, shit hit the fan. I was helping Dad in the lab and something went wrong. We still aren't entirely sure what, but I was definitely different.

I was completely changed, literally. I was born blonde, blue-eyed and skinny. But, whatever radiation I was exposed to made me taller, toned, gave me a blue and a brown eye, gave me black hair and gave me powers. I'm telekinetic, telepathic, I can teleport, and I'm discovering new stuff every day.

With the help of Dad and some of the, now ex, Avengers, I was able to figure out my powers, more or less. I can control my powers, aside from reading minds. I can't seem to break the bad habit of reading people's minds.

Until about 2 months ago, my dad and Steve were fighting and well, that's where our story starts.

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