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April 19, 2014

Three months have passed

With your voice still haunting me,

Yelling at me to say that it was a sick joke,

That I didn't really cheat on you

With a girl I could care less about.

I wish it would have been.

By May 1, I have to make the choice

To leave here and live at college

Or stay at home with the memories

Of you and everything we were.

And I'm not really sure

what to do anymore.

Everyone keeps saying

I need to find faith in something new,

That I need to choose a good path

For myself even now that you're gone.

But how can I do that

When you're six feet under and

You should be making this choice

With me too.

You shouldn't be rotting away

While I get to stay here.

Everything is so messed up and

If I had any choice at all,

I would choose to bring you back

And die in your place,

Sent to that circle of hell

For loving you so much.

But I don't get that choice,

So I've just decided to stay here.

At least there is still some part of you

In this hometown

That just wouldn't be with me,

If I left.

The Diary of AshtonWhere stories live. Discover now