48. What are we

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Asher POV

Hes gone too far. Looking at Baylor in this hospital room kills me every second that I'm standing here. I hate hospitals. I hate this room.

I'm not going to plan another funeral because of some dumbass.

I take one last look at Baylor's poor face. It's swollen with a tube shoved down her throat so she can breathe. She's on a ventilator and it scares the hell out of me that she almost didn't make it here on time.

I'm going to kill this guy.

My legs start moving towards the door before I even tell them to and I can feel the anger surging through me.

Cameron yells from behind me but I'm not stopping.

"Asher don't do anything stupid!"
Ha. Define stupid.

By the time I make it outside I realize that I have no fucking clue who I'm looking for.

"Damn it!"
I scream as I punch the hospital wall causing the skin on my knuckles to scrape away leaving a light trail of blood.

"What's the problem son..."
No. No. No. No. Did I just hear that voice right. That ice cold voice. I slowly turn towards the direction of the voice and meet eyes with an older reflection of me.

 I slowly turn towards the direction of the voice and meet eyes with an older reflection of me

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"What the fuck are you doing here."
I spit at him.

"What? Can't see you?"
He asks like it's the most simplest answer ever. Does he not notice I'm using all of my strength not to run towards him and rip him apart.

I wish he was dead.

"You better leave right fucking now like you are good at before I kill you myself."
I growl clenching my hands into fists so tight I bet my fingernails are digging holes into my palms.

He raises his hands in surrender and smiles sadistically as he backs away and starts walking down the street.

"How is she Asher?"
Is all he asks before getting in a car and driving off. What the fuck was that.


Baylors soft voice wakes me up from the chair beside her, the tube now removed from her throat and the swelling in her face fading. I rub my eyes and wince when I remember the damn bruise and cut on my eyebrow. I look into her copper eyes and you can see the worry she holds in them. I shake my head at her and wrap my hand in hers.

"Hey princess."

"Hey sis."
Cameron rushes to her bedside and holds her other hand in his.

"About time you wake your ass up!"
Ty says as he bites off the last of his nails and I just roll my eyes.

"We need to figure out who this is."
Leah and I say at the same time and we both give each other an odd look before returning our attention to Baylor.

"I don't know who it is, how are we suppose to find out?"

"What did he look like?"
I ask and her eyes widen the slightest as she looks me over and then looks down to the ground and clears her throat. What was that?

"He Uhm. He has golden blonde hair. A bit longer than yours. Deep set Baby blue eyes. Slinder nose. Dimples."

"You just described Asher."
Cameron says incredulously. My whole body freezes as I try to decipher what she's thinking but she won't even meet my eyes.

"I don't feel good guys I'm just gonna go back to sleep okay."

I say telling her to look up at me but she shakes her head. I have to know what she was thinking!

"I need to get some rest."
She says as she turns her back towards me and goes to sleep.


"Asher can take me home cam go to work."
Baylor tells him from the hospital bathroom as she changes into new clothes that Leah brought her.

"I got it dude. Go ahead."
I tell him quietly as I give his shoulder a tight squeeze trying to get him to stop worrying so much. I don't blame him for it, and I'm glad he does at times, but other times he needs to know when she can take care of herself.

He looks between my eyes then gives me a nod and starts to walk away but he turns around and walks back towards me.

"Listen. I know I've been hard on you about my sister. We both know she doesn't need to get involved with certain things in your life. But, I'm really glad that you are here. If I'm being honest I didn't think you actually cared for her, I thought she was just another one of your girls that's why I got so pissed off. Your my bestfriend, I didn't want you to ruin that. But I can see you actually care for someone for once. So, Just don't break her."
He says with a sad smile before walking away. My chest tightens at his words. Just don't break her. He's always so fucking right. I will break her. Not meaning to, it will happen. Because I'm me. Everyone around me gets hurt or dies. I can't do that to her.

She smiles at me and I nod my head. I'm not ready.


"So, you wanna tell me what happened to your eye yet?"
Baylor asks as we walk down the sidewalk. In instinct I rip my hand from hers and I instantly regret it when I see the hurt flash through her copper eyes.

"Don't worry about it."
My voice comes out distant and it's so unfamiliar using it while I talk to her. I've grown so comfortable around her that when I act the way I do to everyone else towards her it even catches me off guard. I look over at her but stop when I notice she's no longer walking beside me. I turn around to see her standing there with her arms crossed giving me a death glare. If looks could kill I'm sure I'd be dying slowly and miserably.

"Stop acting like that Asher! You are so fucking confusing! You will be so open and then so distant. Why? It's pissing me off! I thought we were passed this? What are we Asher? Are we together or not? Cause I don't know what is going on here!"
She asks and I walk towards her but stop when I see who's behind her and my blood runs cold.


A/N; Hows that chapter?

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