The Arrival

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I'm Karoshi Takami, a 16 year old boy going to Taizakawa high school. I started going to this school about a week ago. That's where I met my cute boyfriend, Aijou Aikawa. The moment I saw him, I fell in love. He was just too cute with his blonde hair and blue eyes. I also love it when he blushes. I think it makes him look cuter. I was able to confess to him thanks to his friend, Toma Tousen. Me and Aijou spend a lot of time together along with Toma and Aijou's brother, Renshi. I usually stay over at Aijou's house. So far all we've done is kiss and we have yet to go a little further. But I'm fine with how things are now and I don't want anything to change. Aijou is too nice and sweet for me to abandon. I was thinking this while sitting on the couch. Aijou walked in with a couple cups of tea. I look at him and watch as he puts his cup on the table and gave mine to me. He sat next to me on the couch so we could finish watching the movie we had started on yesterday but never finished.

Me:Aren't you going to drink your tea? It'll get cold soon.


He grabbed his drink and began to sip it. I kept watching the movie. It was about zombies coming alive and eating people. Aijou wasn't too thrilled when I suggested we watch it but I was able to convince him. I wanted to watch it because I figured when he got scared, he would grab onto me for comfort. I know that's the oldest trick in the book of getting someone to get closer to you but I didn't care. It worked though. Right as the zombies were about to bite someone, he'd grab my shirt and burry his face in my shoulder. To comfort him, I'd stroke his hair and kiss his forehead. Crafty, aren't I? When the movie was over, he let out a sigh of relief.

Aijou:Thank goodness that's over. I hate zombies!

Me:Come on it wasn't that bad.

Aijou:Yes it was! It was scary!

Me:Is that why you clung to me for dear life?

I was able to make him blush which made me smile. So cute! I couldn't take it anymore so I grabbed his chin and kissed his lips. He went wide-eyed and grabbed my shirt. I pushed my tongue into his mouth. After about 5 minutes, I let him breathe again. He was blushing like crazy. I was about to kiss him again when the doorbell rang. Now what? I was busy spending time with Aijou. Aijou got up and opened the door. I heard him talking and he looked at me.

Aijou:Karoshi, someone wants to talk with you.

Karoshi:Really? Who?

I got up and walked to the door only to see a familiar face. It was Kunaka Tenka, my old friend my old high school. Kunaka looked me and smiled. He had red hair with a black streak in it, his way of fashion, and light brown eyes. He was 17 and about my height.

Kunaka:Karoshi! Its nice to see you after so long!

He hugged me before I could get a word out. I hugged him back and we broke after a few seconds.

Me:It hasn't been that long dude. Anyway how have you been?

Kunaka:Its been lonely without you to keep me company. And who's the kid?

I looked at Aijou. I had forgotten he was there. He was being so quiet. I smiled and wrapped my arm around him.

Me:This is Aijou. Aijou, this is my friend Kunaka. I've known him for some time now.

Aijou:Nice too meet you.

Kunaka:Sup kid.

Aijou:I'm not a kid, I'm 16.

Kunaka:Well anyone younger than me is a kid in my eyes. Even Karoshi.

Me:Haha, you're hilarious. Just get in here and don't make a mess of this place.

Kunaka:No need to be sarcastic.

Kunaka walked in a sat on the couch. I looked at Aijou, who didn't seemed too thrilled about the stranger in his house but I kissed his forehead and he smiled at me. We walked to the couch and I sat next to Kunaka while Aijou sat next to me.

Me:So, Kunaka, what have you been doing since I've been gone?

Kunaka:Well, I've been bored out of my mind and I haven't done much of anything else sooo...yea. Not much. What about you?

Me:I've been hanging out with Aijou and Toma, who should be here soon.

Kunaka:So, is little Aijou your good friend or something?

Me:He's my boyfriend.

The room went silent. Kunaka looked at Aijou with a blank expression. Aijou, however, was blushing. Kunaka laid back on the couch and looked at me and grinned.

Kunaka:Going for the cutesy type I see. About time you found someone to mess around with.

I looked at him in confusion. Messing around? What did he mean? He continued.

Kunaka:So, how long before you get tired of this one?

Me:What? What do you mean?

Kunaka:You're just going to dump him like the others right?

I looked at Aijou who looked like his heart had just been crushed. I was now mad.

Me:I don't what you mean or why you're saying all this but it needs to stop.

Kunaka:Oh come on. Don't get mad.

Kunaka looked at Aijou and smiled.

Kunaka:It won't be long until you get dumped as well.

Aijou flinched. He looked like he wanted to cry. I was beyond angry now. I grabbed Kunaka's arm and dragged him to the door and pushed him out.

Me:Until you do something about that attitude, I suggest you stay away from me and Aijou. Especially Aijou.

Kunaka shrugged and began to walk away before turning around and looking at me.

Kunaka:Make sure you keep an eye on him.

Kunaka walked away and I closed the door and sighed. I looked at Aijou who had his head down. I felt bad.

Me:Look, all that stuff that he said was fake. I've never gone out with anyone for fun. Honestly. And I wouldn't do the same with you. You believe me right?

Aijou nodded his head slowly. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

Me:I love you too much to do that to you.

I meant it. And I wasn't about to let Kunaka get to him. He better be prepared.

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