Plans Of Deceit

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I woke up feeling groggy. I sat up and looked around the room and then at Aijou who was still asleep on the bed. I sighed. I'm sure he was still upset about last night. I was. I never expected Kunaka to lie like that. Why would he? What did he have to gain from saying all those things to Aijou. I heard Aijou moan and I saw his eyes slowly open. I rubbed his head as he looked at me.

Me:Morning Aijou.


Me:Did you sleep well?

Aijou nodded slowly. He still looked half asleep. I bent down and kissed his forehead.

Me:I'll make breakfast this time.

As I was about to get up, Aijou grabbed my wrist. I looked at him and he shook his head.

Aijou:Renshi said he was going to make breakfast today. Let's sleep longer.


I got back under the covers and wrapped my arms around Aijou. At least he's honest when he's half asleep. We went back to sleep but woke up a few minutes later thanks to the smell of pancakes and eggs. Again, I slowly got up and got out of the bed. I looked at Aijou. He was stll fast asleep and there was a little bit of drool on his lip. I bent down and wiped it away. I stared at his face and kissed his cheek. He opened his eyes and sat up.

Me:About time you woke up. Breakfast smells ready.

Aijou was obviously oblivious to what I was saying. I had decided the only thing that could wake him up was a kiss so I put my hand on his cheek an kissed his lips. I was right. He opened his eyes and stared at me. I smiled.

Me:Are you finally awake?

Aijou:Umm. Y-yea I am.

Me:Good. Breakfast is ready. Here. Your clothes.

I handed him a pair of jeans and a white shirt. He got out of bed and started to get dressed. I went into the drawer and pulled out a pair of my clothes that I had brought over the night before. After we had gotten dressed, we went into the dining room to find a stack of pancakes and a plate of eggs in the middle of the table with 3 plates and some silverware. Renshi had walked out of the kitchen with 3 full cups.

Renshi:About time you guys woke up. I thought I was going to have to go in there and poor water on you 2.

Me:Well we're awake now. So let's eat.

We all sat down and began eating. During breakfast, I would sometimes wipe bits of food off of Aijou's mouth and lick them off my finger. I watched as he blushed every time I did it. I looked at Renshi who knew I was doing it on purpose but he didn't care. After eating, I had to go back to my house in order to get the rest of my clothes. I had decided to move in with Aijou and Renshi which they seemed happy about. I knew my parents could handle me living with someone else. I left and was going to be gone for a bit.

(Aijou's Point of View)

I closed the door behind Karoshi only to have Renshi open it again.

Me:Where are you going?

Renshi:I'm going to visit a friend. Try not to get into trouble while I'm gone.

Renshi left and I was alone. I had decided to watch TV and see if there was anything me and Karoshi could watch when he got back. Just then there was a knock on the door. I put down the remote and opened the door only to see Kunaka standing there. He was grinning at me.

Me:K-Kunaka! Why are you here?

Kunaka:I came to visit. Can't a guy pop in from time to time?

Before I had time to answer, he barged into the house. I frowned and closed the door. Why was he here? I stared at him as he sat on the couch. He motioned me to come sit next to him but I sat on the floor, next to the table. His smile went away. I could tell he wasn't amused. If only he could tell that I wasn't either.

Me:Why are you here?

Kunaka:Well, I came to see you. I wanted to talk to you.

Me:About what?


I flinched. Why would he want to talk to me about Karoshi? I began to panic. Was it going to be like last time? I didn't want to hear it. Karoshi assured me that Kunaka was lying but I still wasn't sure. I wanted to believe him but I knew nothing about him. I lowered my head as Kunaka continued to speak.

Kunaka:There's a reason I said all of that stuff last time. Its because I was trying to get you to hate Karoshi.

I felt confused. I looked at him. He had on that same grin. I hated that smile. There was something evil behind it.

Kunaka:You see, I want you far away from Karoshi.

Me:And why should I listen to you?

Kunaka lost his smile. He bent down next to me and looked into my eyes. I didn't like the look in them.

Kunaka:Because you don't know how mean I can really be.

I could feel myself getting shivers.

Me:I think you should go now.

I got up and was about to get to the door when Kunaka grabbed my arm. I looked at him. Somehow his face got scarier.

Me:Let go of me.

I tried to pull my arm away but he tighted his grip. He kept making it tighter every time I tried to get my arm free.

Me:I said let go!

Kunaka then grabbed my other arm and pushed me into the wall. I felt the back of my head hit the wall. I was now beyond scared. I could feel myself shaking.

Kunaka:I'm not going to say it again. Stay away from Karoshi.

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