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━ so little do you know

    Summer had just begun, a warm and much-awaited reprieve from the horrors of high school

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    Summer had just begun, a warm and much-awaited reprieve from the horrors of high school. All of Jinho's friends were hanging out at Kino's house because it was the biggest and had a giant in-ground pool. Jinho was glad to see his friends, he really was - it was rare that they could all do something together - but he kind of wished he could go home. He honestly didn't understand how people like Kino and Hyojong could handle being in the presence of more than three people for more than three hours. He'd end up hiding in a room somewhere - probably the bathroom - praying for the minutes to go by faster. It was just draining to him, but in a good way - these people were, after all, his best friends. And he'd trust them with his life.

    "Hey, Jinho!" Wooseok yelled over the top of Yuto, who was probably trying to get everyone to play baseball. "Are you coming in the pool?" Jinho was wearing his swimsuit and a t-shirt, but he was enjoying sitting down, thank you very much. Hyojong and Hongseok were already in the pool, Hongseok attempting to swim laps while Hyojong sprayed him in the head with a water gun. Wooseok was standing by the edge in his swimsuit, eagerly awaiting Jinho's reply.

    "I'm having a very fascinating conversation with Shinwon here," Jinho yelled back, despite the fact that Shinwon had a mouth full of food and they were most certainly not having a conversation.

"We were supposed to be having a conversation? Sorry dude, if I'd known I would've like, y'know, talked," Shinwon said, managing to sound sarcastic despite the food.

Jinho was about to turn around and shout at Wooseok again, but Wooseok was already behind him and picking him up in a back hug that left Jinho's feet kicking above the ground.

    "Put me down or I will castrate you!" Jinho screamed. Wooseok laughed in his ear, and he kicked his feet more vigorously, which only made Wooseok laugh harder. Shinwon choked from his seat at the table. "If you throw me in that pool, I will make sure you don't wake up tomorrow!"

    This was probably the most Jinho would talk (and the loudest) for the rest of the day, unless Wooseok stuck by his side and forced him to participate in conversation.

    "Hey Shinwon! C'mere!" Wooseok said, and Shinwon scrambled to his feet and raced around the table. "Take Jinho's feet -"

    "Do not take Jinho's feet!" Jinho interjected, but Shinwon grabbed his ankles despite nearly getting decapitated by a well-timed kick. Wooseok was now holding him under the armpits, and he and Shinwon were swinging him back and forth like they needed momentum to dump him in the stupid swimming pool. Hyojong had stopped pestering Hongseok with the water gun and was treading water to stare at the spectacle. Hongseok was creeping up behind him to exact revenge.

    Jinho had given up on the idea of saving himself and was waiting to be thrown into the pool, but Wooseok and Shinwon were too busy laughing to actually do it.

    And then Hui came onto the deck, holding a tray of more snacks and drinks. When he saw the absolute circus the deck had deteriorated into, he screamed. At this point, everyone was watching.

    "What are you doing, don't kill Jinho!" Hui yelled.

    And they let him fly, buoyed by Hyojong's ultrasonic scream, and he sailed through the air for a split second before hitting the water. When he resurfaced, everyone was laughing and Wooseok was clapping like an idiotic seal. Shinwon had pounced upon Hui's food while Hui stood there, looking distressed. Hongseok chose that moment to carry out his revenge, swamping Hyojong with a wave of water, who went down spluttering. Then everyone in the pool, Jinho included, began splashing each other and Jinho was smiling and laughing just as much as the others.

    Not a cloud was in the sky; an uninterrupted and blazing blue. There was a slight breeze and music poured out of Kino's speakers. Kino himself had his camera around his neck, like he always did, and was taking pictures of his friends. Jinho hid his face whenever he noticed the lens pointed at him.

    "Kino! Come in already!" Changgu shouted, making splashing motions at the boy on the deck. "You too, Shinwon, but you might sink."

    "Hey!" Shinwon cried, taking one last gulp of soda before doing a cannonball into the pool, directly at Changgu. Kino carefully set his camera down on the table, out of way of the water, before jumping in. Changgu cheered and Yanan shouted, "Hello friend!" Yuto pushed his head underwater.

    The lens of the camera watched them all splashing and laughing  as afternoon lengthened to evening and the sun began to descend. They were all so carefree, as everyone should be in the summertime, and smiles and teasing came easy, happiness washing over them as fluidly and welcoming as the breeze.

    And despite Jinho's exhaustion from keeping up with all his friends, he wouldn't trade it for anything in the universe.


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