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 F I F T E E N 

━ panic and fear breeds distrust

Hyojong wasn't sure what he'd been expecting to see at Kino's house, but it wasn't this

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Hyojong wasn't sure what he'd been expecting to see at Kino's house, but it wasn't this. It wasn't this.

He gaped at the pictures, the horrible pictures, looked for hints of makeup, costume, pretend, because there was no way that this was real.

And the note. God, the note. Hyojong had rushed to the bathroom and thrown up after Kino read it aloud, and his stomach still felt just as unsettled, like the entire world was collapsing in his guts. Everyone else was there, everyone else stared at him as he stumbled back into Kino's bedroom. They stared at his eye bags, his pale skin, the way his usual clothes hung loose on his body. And they stared with a kind of wariness. He couldn't even resent it.

When Changgu, bright and positive Changgu, murmured, "Dear God, I just want it all to stop." in a crumbling voice, something in Hyojong hardened and he made a resolution right then and there. It was the strongest, firmest decision he'd ever made in his life, and he found that it forced him to turn to the corner to hide the springing tears. If they knew - He'd be alone. He couldn't be alone. He deserved to be alone.

"What the hell do we do?" Wooseok asked, sitting at the head of Kino's bed, picking at the pillows and looking tiny and scared despite his height.

"Do we call the police?" Changgu asked.

"What can they do?" Jinho spoke up, voice dry and papery. He didn't make eye contact with anyone, and didn't see Wooseok's concerned glance.

"He's right," Hongseok said, "this isn't exactly a matter for the police." He pulled up the BEFORE ME pictures again, then said, "'I am occasionally intangible to the human eye, but I am prone to using your human eyes.' Yanan was the last person to talk to Yuto, and then he started acting really strange after Yuto died, then he disappears and we find him again like this" - Hongseok took a deep breath, calming himself - "Then he and Shinwon kill each other. With eyes that show up on camera white."

There was a heavy silence as the seven boys considered the implications, not daring to reach the conclusion because it was too terrible, too horribly unreal.

"Well, there you have it," Hui said softly. "Seems like our friends have been possessed."

"Jesus Christ," Wooseok mumbled.

Jinho gave a hysterical snort of derision.

"The thing - the demon, maybe - said it wouldn't stop until we killed it," Hongseok said.

"Or until it killed all of us," Hui said in an even softer voice, softer than velvet.

The room fell silent at Hui's statement, an uneasy silence, as a terrible thought crossed their minds: Could they trust each other?

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