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E I G H T E E N 

━ be careful, things tend to go bump in the night

━ be careful, things tend to go bump in the night

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The sunset was vivid and beautiful as Wooseok drove them over to Kino's, breathing its last breath before the velvet suffocation of night. His parents had barely protested that he was going somewhere so late, and didn't ask when he'd be home, either. They seemed to let him do whatever he wanted because they hoped it would help him recover. Too bad he no longer wanted to do anything.

When they arrived at Kino's house, it was getting dark fast, and the whole house was devoid of light save for one room—Kino's room. Wooseok parked in the driveway, and he and Jinho looked at each other for a second before getting out of the car. A million thoughts passed between them in that second, and then they were getting out, the slight breeze stirring the ribbon bows on their wrists. Wooseok shivered.

Jinho rang Kino's doorbell, and they could almost hear the sound echoing inside the house. They waited. And waited. He eventually tried the handle, and the door opened silently, without resistance. He glanced at Wooseok.

"We gotta go in," Wooseok said, and entered the house, every muscle in his body like a tightly coiled spring. The entryway was dark, and he prayed that there was nothing else in it with them. He heard Jinho enter the house behind him, then the door swung shut with a soft, chilling click.

"Why did you shut the door?" Wooseok hissed, whirling to look at Jinho, whose terrified face swam out of the darkness like a pale moon.

"I didn't," he whispered.

"You have to be fucking kidding me."

"Kino? Kino!" Jinho shouted, making Wooseok jump. "Me and Wooseok are inside, we just wanted to check on you, okay? You left your door unlocked but your light is on."

"I'm going to go into cardiac arrest if one more thing happens," Wooseok muttered. "Or if you shout again."

"Sorry, I just felt like we needed to let him know we're in his house. It's weird."

Wooseok sighed loudly, and in that exhalation, they heard something. It sounded like something had ran into the room, scuttled almost; like an animal on all fours. The hair on the back of Wooseok's neck stood up and his skin crawled.

"Did you-"



They inched closer together until they were standing shoulder to shoulder.

"Is there a fucking light switch?" Wooseok muttered, and the sound happened again. Getting closer. He thought he saw a flash of something, a darker shadow in the void.

"I know where the one for the living room is, let's go that way," Jinho whispered, because if he spoke any louder his voice would shake until it deteriorated.

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