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I'm sorry I haven't updated in months, life is so busy and I have had Writers Block. Plus Lack of will to write. For those who have read this, thank you, I appreciate it. So before I have an entire chapter of Authors Note, I should probably start writing. I also want to apologise in advance, I would specify the car type, but I know as much as a peanut (No offence peanuts) about cars. 

Also I think I want to do a horror story today. MWAHAHAHHA!!!

On with the show! 

Also. This may be a SS but I can't remember.



The girl got out of the shiny green car parked illegally over a vehicle entrance, blocking the driveway.

The girl had long brown hair that was dyed to fade out into blonde. She had eyeliner marking out her Topaz colored eyes, the eyeliner the only visible makeup. Her clothes were all black, and she carried a bag that was half open revealing the colorful clothes from the party inside.

The opposite side of the car's door opened and an older boy stepped out. He had straight, raven black hair that constantly got in his eyes and like her was dressed in dark clothes, almost as if he was trying to blend into the shadows. 

He walked around to the other side, and grabbed the girl's hand. The girl giggled like a fan girling teenager and tugged the boy up the drive and towards the house. After lots of stumbling and tripping, they stopped under a widow, half open, with bricks jutting out here and there leading to the ground.

The girl turned around and faced the boy. 

"Thanks for such an amazaaazing night, Dylan. That party was sooooo awesome! I would invite you innn but I'm still grounded, and my parents would killlllll meeee." The girl slurred.

The boy, Dylan, smiled and leaned forward for a brief kiss, trying to ignore the taste of beer on her lips. 

When they parted Dylan talked.

"Do you have a drink I could have?" He asked. 

The girl looked confused for a moment then grinned. 

"Had a liiiiiittle too much alcohol, eh?" She teased emphasising the word little and doing a hand gesture of her thumb and index finger close together.

Dylan only nodded in response.

"No, sorry. I don't have a drink, it would be in the kitchen. Too riskyyyyyy." The girl said.

"That's fine, Cynthia." Dylan replied. 

Cynthia started putting her hands on the bricks sticking out of the house and using them to climb to the open window. She almost fell a few times, obviously not sober enough. She'd climbed up and down hundreds of times and barely slipped anymore, except when she was drunk. When she reached the open window, she crawled through the gap. Cynthia expected to see Dylan still in the driveway when she looked down, waiting to say good-bye like always, but she couldn't see him. She looked to the car. It was still running but he wasn't in there.

Cynthia ignored the feeling that was starting to form in the pit of her stomach, making her feel sick and instead went to the bathroom to prepare for bed, blaming it on the alcohol. 

After ten minutes she came out dressed in light blue pj's covered in bunnies, the eyeliner washed off, and her hair in a neat ponytail.  She walked to her bed and plugged her phone on to charge.

When she turned around again, she was surprised to see Dylan leaning against the window frame.

Cynthia swore she had closed the now open window. 

"I told you Dilly"Cynthia gave a little hiccough, " I don't have a drink in hereeeee."

Dylan only grinned.

Cynthia was confused as Dylan started stalking towards her. She didn't understand fully why his canine teeth appeared longer than usual. She didn't know for sure why his eyes had swirls of red in them now. She may not have known these things for sure, but she had a scary suspicion why. It seemed too ridiculous.

She backed away from him until her butt hit the bedside table.

 Another thing she didn't understand was why Dylan looked down at her with the look she once saw from her tabby cat about to pounce on an injured bird it had found.

"You say you don't have a drink," He said. By now his canines were touching his bottom lip, almost piercing it. "But, I don't think you understand what kind of drink I want." Dylan had been a few steps away when he first started talking, but he'd strode forward so Cynthia could hear what he'd whispered at the end.

"W-w-water?" She weakly said.

He gave a humourless chuckle.

And closed the space between them.

Put his hands on her shoulders.

Rested his head in the crook of her neck.

She was scared stiff. 


His eyes were now completely red.

"Do you know what I am" He asked.

"Human?" She whispered.

He licked her neck.

"I'm not Human, and I never will be again."

"I'm a Vampire, and I want a drink of your blood."

He buried his fangs in her neck.

She screamed.

He was a Vampire. He wanted her blood. He wasn't someone she should've trusted. She'd only met him a few days ago. She'd been stupid.

Her peripheral vision was starting to fade.

He smiled knowingly at her.

He'd probably done this to hundreds of people. She was stupid. She was oblivious.

"You truly have been fun" he whispered to her.

She could practically feel the last of her blood leaving her. 

He licked her neck again.

She may have been stupid and oblivious.

But there was nothing more she could do now. 

For she was only one thing now.

Cynthia closed her eyes one last time.

Because she was dead. 

A/N Again

Hey! Was that good? It took me like the whole of like 3 hours and I had like 1000 words! I liked this one. Though it was getting really creepy... Sorry.


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