It All Started With My Friend Walking Into School In A T-Rex Costume

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I think this is SS (Story Starter) but I'm unsure.

A large "Hoot!" made me sit up in bed, screaming. The sound cut off abruptly as I hit whoever interrupted my sleep.


The sound escaped from my best friend Marcy as I punched her in the stomach. I opened my eyes to find Marcy bent over, clutching at her stomach. I couldn't see behind the dark curtain of hair hiding her face, but I could tell from experience that her face was scrunched up. Marcy just never learned how I hated being woken up. 

Marcy finally regained her composure and straightened up to her full height.

"I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not." I said to her. Marcy simply pouted, then laughed chucking the nearest soft thing she could reach, a pillow. It landed right on my face, and we both started cackling like witches.

Marcy was the first to stop laughing.

"Seriously Nathalie, you have to get up. You're going to be late if you don't get up now" She said.

I looked at the digital clock on my bedside table. It read 8:15.

I jumped out of bed. School started at quarter to 9! I had half an hour to get dressed, have a shower, do my hair, have breakfast and get to my seat in class. I was definitely gong to be late!

"Okay! I have so much to do in so little time! Marcy, go and get out of that onesie, you can't wear that to school. I'll meet you in the kitchen!" With that, I pushed her out my bedroom door.


When I got to the kitchen, I almost screamed. Marcy still hadn't got out of her onesie. 

"I know Lola dared you to wear that but I don't want to be seen with a T-Rex! I'll look weird!" I protested.

"I think Marcy can do whatever she wants to." My mum said.

I grabbed a banana and muffin out of the cupboard and  made my way out of the kitchen, Marcy trailing after me. 

"Fine, but anything that happens to me will be blamed on you." I said to Marcy. I had a bad feeling about today.


It all started after Marcy and I went to our first class, English.

People stared at Marcy as we made our way to the front of the class.  We took our seats and waited for Mrs Berr to come in.

When she did, I was so sure she'd faint at the sight of Marcy. On the way to school Marcy had taken the T-Rex idea a little too seriously. She'd taken some face paint and made her skin look green, added yellow contacts to her eyes and temporary dyed her brown hair green too. She ended up painting my face green too... I could almost see Mrs Berr's eyes twitch repetitively.

As soon as she sat at her desk, in her squeaky voice like nails on a chalk board, she said "Girls, go to the Principle's office. And wash that gunk off your face!"

We shuffled out of class and made our way to the office. we knew the way pretty well, as this wasn't the first time we had been in trouble, though it was usually for being late.

When we got to the office, we sat on the bench outside and Marcy pulled out green lipstick from her bag. I stared at her as she applied it to her lips and started painting her hands green too.

When Mr Johnson came out and ushered us into his office, it was nearly second period.

"Miss Hetti, Miss Elima, why am I so unfortunate to see you two in my office so early in the morning for the fourth time this month?" Mr Johnson asked us.

"Are you serious right now? Can you not see Marcy's covered in green?"  I asked in disbelief.

"I chose to ignore it, I simply thought you were late again. I also didn't want to question Miss Hetti's choice of fashion." He replied.

I sighed then asked "So, when's detention?"

"I'm sorry Miss Elima, but I cannot simply let your crazy antics go on. The Vice Principle and I have talked and agreed that something more has to happen. you and Miss Hetti are suspended until Friday. During that time you are both banned from seeing each other." 

To me, that was the worst punishment. Marcy and I had been Best Friends since Middle School and ever since the start of our friendship, the longest we've gone without each other is 2 days. I couldn't handle it and started crying uncontrollably. 

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks, when I breathed in, it sounded like a snort. Marcy wrapped her arms around me, the soft fabric of her costume tickling my arms. I felt like she'd hate me for getting snot on her T-Rex.

"Your parents have been called, you are expected to go home after this meeting. We know it's a lot of fuss over just a onesie, but this includes all the other times you've been let off nearly Scot-Free. Times like the Glitter Bomb Freak."

I could recall that day. It was one of the many pranks Marcy, Lola (Our other friend) and I had committed.

"Ha! Candice Marsh was complaining the other day that she "Like totally had glitter in her hair for weeks"" Marcy commented using a high voice in imitation of Candice.

"Girls! If you want to not have a longer suspension, please leave the room. I also have to lecture Lola, she too has already gotten into trouble this morning. She interrupted her Algebra class by coming in late, screaming random lines of Shakespeare." Principle Johnson told us.

Marcy and I shared a knowing look. We switched Lola's schedule last night, to my old one, where I had Drama first. No doubt she slept in late and left in a hurry.

We quickly departed from the office and headed to the car park. There both of our mums waited by their cars. I gave Marcy a hug and gave her two taps on the back, our sign for text  you soon.


When I got home, I made my way to my room. 

I switched on my computer to find a blank screen. All of the apps had been removed. All my files had been deleted. The wallpaper was no longer of Marcy, Lola and I but instead the default wallpaper. It was almost like it was a factory reset.

This could not be happening!

I had years of work on there!

To top it all off, the screen turned black, dark, not turning on no matter how much I tried! Yay! My computer has crapped out on me!

Geez! Ever since my best friend walked into school in a T-Rex costume  my day has turned out horribly. 



Hey Guys! 

Sorry for not updating sooner. I've been really busy and not ha time to write.

This chapter is quite short (Like most chapters) and doesn't really have a plot. I guess I just needed to write.

Anyway, Hope you all enjoyed!


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