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I feel in a funny mood and need to cheer someone up, so I am going for a surreal theme today. Don't hate it. Also Ignore the changes from Past tense to Present tense. I don't know what's up with it.

Also, shout out to @Sweet_Potata for the idea of this. I know I shocked her with last chapter. If you haven't read it yet I would highly suggest you go and do that now. And no, this isn't a sequel. Enjoy the chapter!



~ Holly~

It's been three days now. Three days since we heard of an outbreak in the North. We had been told that day to buy as much as we could, as quick as we could, before they came for us.

We were never told what might have been coming for us though. 

I still remember the first sounds that resonated through the town that day. The sounds that still haunted us at night, though in the day they were more bearable.

Tom still cries at night. It's the only way he can get to sleep. He's still so young, 8 years old.

 Pa, he couldn't make it back before They came here. He was at a conference up North, where the beasts originally came from. I don't know if he's alive still, hiding out there, or gone, eaten by the bloodthirsty beasts we've heard of. Ma gave up her life for ours. We'd only just come back from the Super Market, and finished bringing all the groceries inside. Then she heard it. The Scuttling, coming from everywhere. She started ushering us inside like we were cattle and she was herding us into a pen. We got in, and when we did, they were nearly on her. So, she closed the door.

Now, in this lonely house, only Tom, Rannby and I are left.

Rannby pretends to be strong for us, but I know he's scared. He feels as if we're his responsibility now, seeing as he's the oldest out of us.

We have ways of contacting the other survivors around us who are trapped in their houses too.

Mr and Mrs Douglass from across the road are alive. They've taken to checking up on us. We use Morse Code at night with our flashlights and paper and pen, or whiteboards, to send messages during the day. 

The power's out so we can't go on the Internet, or call anyone, or turn lights on at night. But we've somehow managed to survived so far.

"Holly! Mrs Douglass wants to see if you're alright! What do I write?" Rannby yelled from the living room. I was currently checking the supplies in the pantry, making sure we had enough food for a while. Rannby must have  been writing to the Douglass's across the road, to see how they were.

Rannby was always caring for others, when Ma and Pa had once gone on a date night and forgotten to give us tea as they were running late, he'd stepped up and cooked. He ended up burning himself and the tea. The neighbors had come to see why smoke was pouring out the kitchen window. They found out what happened and ordered Pizza, but that's beside the point.

"I'm coming Rannby" I yelled, setting down the can of ready-made spaghetti. 

I made my way to the messy living room. We'd all slept in Rannby's room the first night, but it was too cramped to fit us all. Ma and Pa's room was bigger, but it brought too many memories back. So we decided to crash in the living room, that way we can hear the beast's coming and head upstairs. 

I made my way to the window.

There in the window opposite us was Mrs Douglass, her brown hair in a messy bun and her clothes crumpled up. We don't have the power to heat up irons so our clothes are usually crinkled.

I waved to her and she waved back. 

"Can I have the white board please Rannby" I whispered so as not to wake Tom up from his peaceful slumber on the armchair.

"Here, Holly" Rannby replied. He went to hand over the whiteboard, but stopped. 


The sound only heard at night, when the beasts came.

I turned and looked out the window to see Mrs Douglass's eyes wide, looking down the street. She looked at her whiteboard and wrote something down then held it up for us to see.

It read


I turned around to see Rannby shaking tom awake and shooing him upstairs.

I ran  to the makeshift beds and grabbed a half-filled bag of clothes next to them and scurried to the kitchen. I shoved as much canned food as I could fit in the bag and ran to the stairs making my way to Rannby's bedroom.

We all ran and huddled in the furthest corner from the door.

I wanted to see what the beasts looked like though, and debated with myself whether or not to check through the window.  But, I couldn't risk it... 

Tom tugged on the bottom of my dark blue t-shirt.

"Holly, I gotta pee." He said.

I took his hand and stood up, pulling him up with me. 

"Rannby, do you want to come with us, I don't want to leave you alone." I whispered.

He stood up and the three of us made our way to the bathroom.

Tom was about to close the door behind him when we heard a faint sound, like water being splashed. 

Rannby pushed Tom back and looked around the bathroom. I don't think he saw anything, so he checked in the toilet.

"AH!" He screamed. 

I stared at him as he backed away  from the toilet.

I was really confused at this.

I stepped closer and thought I could hear little snipping sounds.

Now I was more confused. I peered over the toilet and screamed when I saw what was making all the noise.

Crabs were floating in the toilet, snapping their claws and slowly making a buildup of crabs in the shape of a staircase. They had small pointed teeth that I could only slightly see poking out from what looked like their mouths. Slowly the staircase reached the top of the toilet and the crabs started spilling from the toilet. 

I screamed and backed away.

Most people wouldn't be scared of crabs as they could only pinch you. I knew better though. These creatures had wiped out an entire town in the North. I knew we mightn't survive this.

 Because these were no ordinary Crabs.  

These were mutant crabs.

And we were in the middle of a crab apocalypse.


Around 1107 words!! YAY!

I'm sorry. I said I would cheer you up but I probably didn't. I was going to have crabs muttering Money and stealing the kids money, and the crabs would be friends with oysters. And the kids would eat them. But I didn't feel like writing that, so I didn't. But it's easily imaginable now.


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