Chapter 7

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Previously on 'Loving HP':
Right then, you leaped up off your bed, sprinted out your door and to the closest bus stop. You got a visitor sticker from the worker at the front desk, then you went into the elevator and raced to Harry's hospital room. "You still love Ginny! Don't you?!" you yelled, startling Harry at your surprising appearance.
"What are you talking about?!" Harry asked, confused and yelling.
"You still love Ginny!"
"No, I don't!"
"Then why would you tell me to stop calling you 'babe'?!"
"You wanna know the truth?"
"Yes, please," you said more calmly now.
"Okay, well..."
"Go on..."
Harry's Phone rings
"Hold on, (y/n). I have to take this," Harry said.
"Hurry please," you said impatiently.

When Harry finished his phone call, he looked at your face, knowing how desperate you were. "Look, (y/n)," Harry said as he took your hand and looked into your eyes. "You know I don't have much time left."

"What?" you asked worriedly.

"I... I just can't have... I think we have to... um... I-I th-think we should, um, b-b-break..... *sighs* I think we should break up."

You were confused. "Baby, why?"

"I told you. I don't have much time and I can't break any more hearts, especially yours."

"So you think breaking up with me will soothe the pain?! FYI, that makes it a lot worse!"

"Look, (y/n), I'm doing what's best for you!"

"But I'm not gonna leave you!"

"Eventually... you're gonna have to."

"Actually, I kinda hoped we'd get married and then I'd die first."

"Well, sorry your plans didn't work out, love."

"That's what you think."

"What are you talking about?" Harry was worried now.

"Bye, Harry⚡️Potter. Remember, I love you." Then, before Harry got a chance to speak, you were out the door.

You took the taxi back home and sharpened your meat-cutting knife. Am I really gonna do this? I don't know if it's worth it... wait, of course it's worth it; it'll save me from the pain of watching Harry die. You thought to yourself, holding the knife to your chest. Then, you closed your eyes and phone rings. You opened your eyes and answered the phone call that was from... Harry.

(Harry P.O.V.)
When she left my hospital room, I knew what she was going to do. But she didn't answer her phone the first 27 times I called her, so I freaked out. But yet, I still called her once more and she answered. I was so relieved, and I hoped I could stop her from committing suicide.

"What do you want, Harry?" you asked, as if about to cry.

"Don't kill yourself! Please! I need you to live. If you live then I will live for you, and if I don't, I'll always be with you in your heart even if I'm not actually here with you. Someone special once told me, 'Even if we're miles apart, friendship isn't measured by miles; it's measured by heart.'"


"Yes, darling?"

"You're so cheesy," you said while laughing and crying. You put the knife on a table.

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