28 | novice inceptions

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Dedication :  @_Muslimaah_  : an amazing reader, for sharing a name with a character of my story, and for your wonderful messages! <3

"The river is now. This moment. This breath between us. The space between your heartbeats. The moment before you blink. The instant a thought flashes through your mind. It is everything that is around us. Life. Energy. Flowing, endlessly flowing, carrying you from then...to now...to tomorrow. Listen: you can hear the music of it. Of the passage of time."

- Lisa Mangum

t w e n t y e i g h t

The sun scorned mercilessly, the vehicles beeped vehemently and curses flew from passengers hither tither. Rayhaan sat behind the steering wheel harbouring a distasteful expression, frown lines marring his chisled face exhibiting his inner tumult on a very sunny Monday morning. Samairah, on the other hand, sat beside him going through the very situation but with a bemused expression on her face and calm settled in her tummy.

The sudden horn made by a very furious Rayhaan jerked her out of her thoughts, a loud gasp emitting from her as she finally tore her gaze away from the little boy who sat behind his father on a bike, clutching his father's tummy in a very protective way over which Samairah couldn't stop fawning over. It was the definition of cuteness, in her dictionary.

"How come you are smiling?", Rayhaan asked, frown seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face since the moment he started driving this morning.

"I know Hyderabad traffic is terrible", she started empathising and continued, "its just that that cute little boy", she pointed sideways through her closed car window, "is too cute to be not worthy of a smile".

Rayhaan edged sideways from his seat to get a better look at the mentioned boy, unconsciously intruding her personal space for a mere ten seconds before he galloped back to his normal position, a breathtaking smile now replacing the sullen frown and he continued driving, unaware of the bounding heartbeat resonating from Samairah's chest.

Samairah couldn't speak. Not for another five minutes. And Rayhaan was busy navigating through the congested traffic. She knew she shouldn't feel like that, she should feel normal around Rayhaan, she would not let herself fall and go through the heartbreak all over again.

"I don't encounter such traffic everyday", Rayhaan gestured at the jam packed vehicles that moved at a snail's pace.

It sure would irritate anyone but it was Samairah's daily route and she was immune to the irritation. "I told you", she said, "you shouldn't have picked me up. Since you are going through my home, you are facing all this traffic and getting irritated".

"What nonsense", Rayhaan said lightly, "I know the traffic is irritating me", he turned to gaze at Samairah's eyes, a little too boldly and little too deeply and continued, "but its your company I get for a few more minutes that makes it all worth it".

A warm sort of sensation bubbled in Samairah's stomach and crept all the way up to her face, threatening to betray her nonchalant expression, warming up her cheeks. She turned away, looking out the window, until the blush crept down and her traitorous heart slowed down to a normal pace, only to mention, "so smooth, Rayhaan. Always so smooth".

Rayhaan, this time aware of the effect of his words on Samairah, had a smug expression as he decided to maintain silence for the remainder of the ride for the sake of his sanity as well as hers.

As he parked in college grounds, Samairah quickly got out, whispering a rushed thank you to him and bounded away from his car before anybody noticed.

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