hugoaway: Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts
lilspotter: Teach us something please
daisylngbttm: Whether we be old and bald
alpotter: Or young with scabby knees
rosegw: Our heads could do with filling
malfoytheunanxious: With some interesting stuff
thebestsib: For now they're bare and full of air
vicweasley: Dead flies and bits of fluff
teddylupin: So teach us things worth knowing
jamessirius: Bring back what we've forgot
domweasley: Just do your best, we'll do the rest
hugoaway: And learn until our brains all rot
teddylupin: damn I miss it
Social Media - Harry Potter Next Gen
FanficThis is probably what would have happened if the Next Gen kids all had a group chat. Add in a couple of aesthetic Instagrams and sibling rivalry and you have what goes on between the Wotter and Malfoy clan.