The Attack

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Authors Note// Hey guys or whoever reading this sorry for not updating sooner, something in my life has happened and I just had no motivation to do anything. But I'm back and I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

*Clarkes POV*

Feeling a shake, I open my eyes to see a distressed Ivon. "Clarke, you have to get up hurry. People are attacking, we have to get to my uncle." Standing up I rush to get my shoes and take Ivons hand as we begin running to Bellamy's room.

"But Clarke we have to go to my uncle?!" Ivons shouts at me, " We will I just have to get someone."

Knocking on Bellamys door it swings open, "Well hello princess." giving me a smirk, "Bell we're under attack, please go get Octavia and my mom get them somewhere safe" Automatically Bellamy starts to put on a shirt and shoes, and begins to make his way down the hall to my moms and Octavias rooms.

Ivon and I begin running down to the war room in search of Roan, " He told you to go to the war room correct?" Asking Ivon, as he stayed focused on running.

"Yes." As we open the door to the war room, we walk in on a grounder holding a sword to Roans neck, "Clarke.. Take Ivon to my room" Roan said slowly as the grounders eyes travel up my body finally make eye contact with me.

"How about I have some pleasure my king, with your precious fiánce first." The grounder says starting to walk towards Ivon and I, while Roan is held back by the other grounder. I push Ivon behind me still holding his hand, I gently squeeze it to let him know that it will be okay.

"You will do NOTHING TO HER!!" Roan growls as he breaks free from the grounder, grabbing the sword that was previously held at his neck, and slashes the grounders stomach and neck. He runs full force towards the grounder that stalked his way towards me.

They engage in a sword fight, Roan begins to yell "Clarke go, TAKE IVON TO MY ROOM !!!" I grab Ivon and we begin to run to Roans room, as we rush to run inside his room. Bellamy, my mother and Octavia run into us.

"Come with us" Grabbing Bellamys hand leading all of them to Roans room, as we enter I lock the door.

"Ivon please explain to me whats going on" I ask him as I try to catch my breath.

"Shadow Mountains have launched their attack on Azgeda, they are trying to kill you and Roan." He explains to me, "Who the hell is Shadow Mountain and why are they after Clarke and Roan?" Bellamy questions

Ivon looks up at Bellamy starting to explain "The Shadow Mountain are a group that has detached from Azgeda after King Roan told the kingdom about his plan with Wanheda. They believe that King Roan is weak so they are going from village to village seeing who will join them and those who don't are murdered. They killed my father and my sister, I barely made it out to warn my uncle Roan."

"Well fuck, so they have decided to attack?" Bell asks, "Yes, they have but I'm not sur-" KNOCK KNOCK "CLARKE OPEN IT!!" hearing Roans voice I run towards the door unlocking it letting him in. He immediately wraps me in a hug putting his face in the crook of my neck inhaling my scent. In shock I slowly wrap my arms around him, allowing the embrace. "I would never let anything happen to you Clarke I promise." Roan promises slowly letting me go and holding me at arms length.

"Well there goes your chance Bell." Octavia whispers a little too loudly, looking up I see Bellamys eyes shining with hurt, my mothers eyes shine with admiration, and Octavia just looks bored. Clearing his throat Bellamy steps forward "If you two are finished we have to go fight now."

"Right" Roan says as he goes to his closet begins to hand Octavia and Bellamy swords with armor. "Roan I need armor too." I say to him, "Clarke no you have to stay here with your mother and Ivon, I will not allow you to be in danger again." Roan answers me intensely, "Roan I am going to fight, remember what I told you I do not take commands."

Snatching body armor out of the closet along with a sword, Roan, Bell, and Octavia make their way out of the room "Clarke.- " "No mom don't, take care of Ivon for me. Here is a gun along with some poisoned knives, I love you." I give my mom a hug and make my way to Ivon "Please protect her for me Ivon." holding him in my arms. I make my way out of the room and hurry down the hall after Roan and the rest.

"DEATH TO THE KING AND DEATH TO WANHEDA!!!" Screams from the outside slowly etch there way in, looking out a window I stop to see Emori strapped to a pole as they parade her through the crowd. Oh my god

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