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Decisions. What are they? Sometimes it's hard to decide, and it's risky. And sometimes it's easy because you already know what your decision is.

Right now i'm dealing with a hard decision. To transfer next school year or stay until i graduate, (i'm grade 9 aka 3rd year highschool). Like I don't know if I can continue this fooking school anymore, i don't like the people's attitude in our school.

I don't want to explain because it might hurt my friend. I love my school, i just hate the people. This school year i was suppose to change schools because my mom keeps driving back and forth from our old house and the new one.

But my friend John said 'if you are going to transfer next school year, you wont graduate with us anymore'. Aaandd that people, made speechless. Because i didn't think of that (because i'm fooking naive), and then i said to him 'ohh right, i forgot about that. Holy sh*t, wtf you're right'. So i've got 8 months and a half to think this over.

Soo right now i'm still deciding if i will transfer next year or after 4th year highschool.

But it's only a 10% chance that i will transfer next year.

And yes this chapter was short af it's only 220+ words.

[Lol why is this becoming a life story, i'm sorry .-.]


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