'It all started with um'

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Hello! This is Kai Bri/Kai or Ren here. A bit about me before I start (you can skip this bit).

My Chosen name is Kai Bri or Kai for short but seeing as there is already a Kai here I'm not going to go as just Kai. Ren is my nickname (named after the RWBY character). I'm aromantic and asexual and I'm non binary. My preferred pronouns are they/them but anything is fine as long as you aren't using them to mean I'm a binary gender. But anyway the story!

Name: It all started with um
Author: Kai Bri/Kai/Ren (me)
Genre: LGBTQ+, idk romance and teen fiction (that's what I put it as so...)
Warnings: There might suicide/self harm later on but I will put a warning on that chapter.
Extra info: This is based on a true story but all names have been changed for safety purposes.

-Ren/Kai Bri/Kai

It all started with 'um' (LGBTQ+ story)Where stories live. Discover now