#1 (Day one-24/4/2017)

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'Hey can I talk to you for a moment' James says while pulling me aside.
'Of course... What is it?' I say acting like I don't know whats to come but I already know the question he is about to ask.

You see it had been pretty obvious for quite a while that James liked me. Only a blind person couldn't see it. He often sat next to me in class rather than with his other friends and he made up random lame excuses to talk to me or spend time with me. He never talked to my other friends though only ever me.

'I had a really great night tonight and I felt we really got along well and well I was wondering if you would like to go out with me' I freeze. I knew it was coming but I'm'm still unprepared. I try and speak. I don't even know what to saw anymore. The most I could say was a simple 'um'.

'Don't worry I won't push you. Have a think about it okay?' I stand there still frozen as he walks away, God knows where his mother isn't here yet. I blink a few times trying to comprehend what just happened. James just asked me out. JAMES just asked ME out.

I contemplate running after him but I still don't know what to say. I stand there blinking a few more times probably looking like an idiot to everyone. I hear my name being called and I look over to see my friend calling me outside. I walk over to her and she asks me what's wrong.
'I.. Uh..' I stare at her blankly 'James just asked me out.'
She stares at my like I'm a new episode of her favourite show.
'Well? What did you say?!'
'Um,I said um'
'Oh my god Katie! I have to tell M.U!' She runs off in the direction of another one of ours friends car.

I wait with another friend for her mother to come pick her up and tell her about it. She seems cool but had a similar response to the 'um' bit. We throw leaves at each other and my mind is taken of James for now.

Her mother finally arrives and she leaves leaving me the only one left at the school so I figure I should probably go.

'So, Katie how was your night?' My father asks me.
'Uh good I suppose' terrible. It was actually terrible.
'That's good'

So yeah....  I, Katie the girl whom everyone hates, has been asked out. Pretty unbelievable right?.

Now your probably thinking what comes next is pretty easy. I have his number I can just text him yes or no. Well about that...

James are you awake?

Ye, sorry, my phone was dead

I would like to say sorry for my fantastic reply of 'um'

Its fine, I guess I kinda sprung it on you.

And if you were being genuine then the answer is yes.

I was being genuine

Then it is a yes

I can't express my joy through text

XD don't worry I'm grinning like am idiot.


A million questions runs through my head. I've never had a boyfriend before... I don't know what to do. I sit by my window using the light from the moon shining through my window to disguise the light of my phone as I search up advice. I feel a little guilt but my excitement is bigger.

I text my friends who I had asked for advice earlier saying I now have a boyfriend as well as my best friend who is currently asleep but I know she will read it at some point.

At sometmes around 2am I figure I should probably get some sleep. I've been sick and sleep always helps with that and plus I have all day tomorrow so search up advice thanks to it being ANZAC day tomorrow well technically today. (A.N if you don't know what ANZAC day is just as and I'll explain)

I slowly stand up trying not to make any noise and walk back to my bed and plug my phone in to charge. I lay in my bed thinking about James. Not in a creepy way but also not in a really romantic way. I realise I think about him a lot really. Do I maybe like him more than I thought I did? More than I thought I could?

And I slowly drifted off to sleep not knowing the mess I'd got my self into.

Authors note
Hello fellow earthlings~
Thanks for reading for first chapter of 'It all started with um' it means a lot to me.

I know many things don't make sense in this but it will make more sense later on.

Also this is pretty much what happened. The convo between Katie and James was all correct (I copied it done from my messages with my ex). So yeah if you didn't know this is my story about me and my ex and basically its about  discovering yourself and also just failed romance and the pressure of today's society. This whole story is all real so yeah the names are just different and not everything will be word for word because this happened like these months ago and my memory isn't very good.

Sorry for the long authors note. I'll try and update soon but I'm lazy and I take forever to write so I doubt that will happen. I'll get a cover up as soon as I can.

-Kai Bri

PS. Sorry for the bad writing it will get better I promise

PPS. I just realised I used my ex's actual name in the text messages because I just copied out convo and I forgot to change it sorry for any confusion I've changed it now.

It all started with 'um' (LGBTQ+ story)Where stories live. Discover now