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All of the remaining robots and their players are escorted upstairs to a platform above the stadium, where we will be picked up by a helicopter and dropped off at the destination for this year's final round. Last year the final round destination was an old city called Chicago. This year they said they're shooting bigger though, much bigger.

I look around and see who's left. Me, Witch Doctor, and 009. How did I get this far. Standing here among these machines, built for one purpose, to kill others. But in truth, I'm no better than they are. I killed Teddy, then Guillotine. And depending on who comes back, I may just kill them too.

Suddenly I feel David tap my shoulder, he points out the window. I look out the window, and what I see scares me. Block after block of deserted city streets and buildings. I see where we're heading there are many more skyscrapers that have also been deserted too.

"I never once thought that New York City would become a ghost town." I say quietly.

"You know, when I was in school when I was younger, there were history books about New York being one of the most populated city's in the world. And it showed photographs of what it used to look like...was that what the simulator was like?" He asked, looking me in the eye. I nod slowly.

The helicopter starts to descend from the sky down to a landing platform. In the distance I see lights and huge crowds, and hear people cheering. Then over loud intercoms placed throughout the city, I hear a woman's voice, "Alright! Welcome to the 3053 Bot Fight final rounds! Please evacuate the city and come to the viewing area immediately, because damn can these machines kill! The remaining robots are being randomly placed throughout the New York City arena. Over the next 48 hours, these guys will have to fight to the death against each other, while avoiding the AI!" She yells in a very enthusiastic voice.

"What's the AI?" I ask.

"Oh....right. The AI are these robots that the players of the deceased robots make. Basically they're weaker versions of the robots." David explains.

"And one more thing!!!" The announcer comes back over the intercom, "For this year's comeback choice...." Everything falls silent, then suddenly after a moment of suspense she yells, "Tigris!!!"

I hear the crowd go insane in the distance. It's not who I was expecting but it's better then Guillotine or Teddy...or anyone else.

"Wow, I didn't expect them to choose her. I guess they just wanted to give her another chance...?" David says questionably.

"I guess so. I'm just happy it's not anyone I fought." I say. He nods in agreement. Suddenly a another helicopter flies down and lands next to us. Then 009 and Liam are escorted on and flown away to another part of the arena. The same thing happens for Witch Doctor and Lily. Finally David is taken onto the last helicopter, without me. I hug him goodbye but we don't get the chance to say anything.

Suddenly the announcer comes back on, "This message is directly for our remaining four robots! Your weapons have been randomly placed throughout the arena, along with medical kits and other supplies. And a tip - if you see an AI, I suggest you run because they move in packs...if you stumble across one, you're most likely coming across at least three or four. Good luck to you all!" The intercom shuts off. I take a deep breath and walk towards the stairs. My weapons are my only chance at winning this, I have to find my weapons.

The Arena (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now