lost love - Xiumin (EXO) - pt1

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"So you really broke up with him?" Xiumin asked her. Y/N had just broken off her destructive relationship of two year after a long time coming. Xiumin and her other friends had been telling her to do so for a long time yet she never found the courage to face the reality until she finally got a literal slap in the face from her so called loving boyfriend which woke her up. She had kicked him out of her house and even though he was fuming, he left to god knows where.

She gave a slight nod as she was still recovering from what she did.

"wua, I'm proud of you." He smiled ruffling her fringe. She slapped his hand away and gave him a playful glare. She wasn't exactly sad that her relationship ended but she wasn't happy either.

Xiumin on the other hand felt a huge relief and even something more.

He was determined to stay by her side and she knew this, keeping her sane.

"So you want to watch romcoms and eat icecream?" He offered with a teasing look.

"Ugh fine." both of them had a secret love for romcoms, ironically enough, but neither would really admit it, so this had kind of become a break up ritual. Whenever one of them felt sad, they'd lay in bed, cuddling and watch romcoms, with a bucket of ice-cream at hand.

Xiumin enjoyed this more than he felt he should but if he had known this to be his final night with her, he would have cherished every second of it.

A week had passed and the EXO members had been calling her nonstop but there was never an answer. Even her mother hadn't heard from her.

So Xiumin and Sehun decided to go to her house as they were both closest to her, oddly enough. But they only came to find a big empty house. Apart from furniture and some decorations, nothing remained. As if the messy girl that lived there had never set foot in the place.

"Y/N!!!" Xiumin yelled out to her again and again to no avail.

"Where could she have gone?" Sehun asked, running his hand trough his hair in frustration.

"If I knew I would have gone to find her now wouldn't I?" Xiumin snapped in worry shocking the maknae slightly. He immediately gave him an apologetic look while proceeding out of the house.

As time passed the EXO members one by one slowly gave up to hope of finding her but there would be the occasional comment "I miss Y/N's witty comments" or "I miss her baking", basically she was missed.

Xiumin would occasionally go back to her house and clean up a little, not like it needed a lot but it comforted him in a way.

~Two years later~

"Mark! Has the middle platform been fixed?" Yon hee - better known as Yolanda - yelled out earning a yell of confirmation from the other side of the stage. She put her long locks in a bun and went over the paperwork again. She had been working as an event manager in America for a few years and didn't really remember anything before that. The only link to her past she had was her boyfriend, Minho. He wasn't really a help either, only telling her small details like her parents had died and she didn't really have friends, basically that she didn't even want to remember her past so that she shouldn't ask too many questions and just live her life now.

She wasn't sure if she was happy with how she was living that 'now' but she had never known better anyway so she must be.

"Yolanda?" one of the interns came up to her.

"Yes sweetie?" her voice sounded soft and kind as always yet the intern still looked frightened.

"We have just been informed that the performers might be a day late." she shyly said.

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