The one that got away - Yoongi (BTS)

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"Ah I'm so excited!" Nari yelled, running into the dorm. "Our first performance at a big award show and you're even doing a solo." She jumped excitedly making you giggle, but she noticed you weren't as excited as she thought you would be.

"You nervous?" She asked and you nodded, sighing. The song they had decided for you to sing was one you had written yourself many years ago. And as many songs out there, it was about a breakup. But you saw it more as a parting really.

Your last year of college had come and you were dreading it to the most. You and Yoongi both had plans in the entertainment business and so agreed that once you graduated, you'd part ways, knowing you'd be too busy for a proper relationship. But the further you got into the relationship, the more you dreaded it.
"Do we really have to." You asked, tears prominent in your eyes, but you didn't allow them to fall.
"I don't like it either." He sighed.
"Then let's forget about it. I don't want to loose you."
"You're not going to loose me. But we just have to. I'm sorry." Not wanting to face you any longer, thinking he might change his mind, he walked away from you, leaving you in the cold, with a heart now just as cold.

You accepted it, yet when you were writing songs, your feelings of that farewell were always reflected into the lyrics. You didn't want to let him go, but you knew you had to.

When the time of the award show rolled around you were so nervous knowing that he would be there, after so long of not being able to see him, and you had to sing a song that was about him at that.

But you didn't have any regrets and confidently walked in with your group. To your luck, your table was next to BTS. Your group greeted them with a bow and they did the same, yet Yoongi stood frozen at the sight of you. You weren't sure how to describe the expression on his face. Shock, confusion, regret, nervousness. Maybe all of the above. You merely cleared you throat and sat down on the other side of the round table where you stood.

You could see his group questioning him but didn't hear a word they were saying so you decided to ignore it. As you all went backstage to change for your performance, you could still feel his eyes on you.

The further the performance continued, the closer you got to your solo and you were nervous. But as you exited the stage and had to change quickly so you were on stage before the song ended, your nerves disappeared, to focused on the actual performance. Your dress was beautiful and gave you a boost of confidence as you got ready to sing.

You walked on stage as soon as the girls walked off and you could see them sit down excitedly, your eyes lingered on Yoongi for a second before you started singing.

In another life
I would be your girl

We'd keep all our promises

Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say

You were the one that got away

You didn't know whether you wanted to cry or smile. You never wanted to break up with him, but you had accepted it. You didn't dread the times you spent with him, you cherished every moment. You were happy they once were and you can both live on now. Because you loved him, and he loved you. And so you let him go, like he did for you.

BTS was up right after, so there they stood, backstage, where you got off stage. You passed them, slightly hesitant for a moment as you met yoongi's saddened gaze, they walked on stage and you watched him walk away, a light saddened smile forming on your lips.

The one that got away

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