A true piece of art - Hoseok (BTS)

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You were an artist just starting to make your mark in Seoul. Yet you needed a new centrepiece in order for you to get your spot in the museum. But you were just so stressed that you couldn't get anywhere, so you decided to go visit your friend at work, where she always was. She worked as a stylist and staff member at Bighit. You weren't that absorbed in the kpop industry but you knew they were quite the successful company lately.

You texted her as soon as you walked into the building and knowing you weren't exactly a fangirl, she made sure you got in and told you to wait for her in the dance hall as she would be there soon. But soon took longer than you thought.

You heard music coming from one of the rooms, thinking a trainee might be practising, curiosity got the best of you.
You looked into the room to see a man that seemed older than you expected. Was he just a trainee? he must have been at least above his twenties. But your thoughts slowed as you got lost in his coordinated movements. His entire body moving perfectly to the rhythm, his face looked completely focused as sweat ran in droplets down his skin making it glisten in the light. He seemed to have an understanding with the music. He looked so beautiful and passionate as you curiously watched his movement and you didn't notice your friend walking up behind you.

"Booh." She poked your sides startling you. You yelped in surprise and held your hand to your heart. "Aish keomjagiya (you startled me)" you breathed
"Come on, lets go eat." Your friend said, pulling you along. she glanced at the door where you stood and saw the man's gaze on the two of you. She bowed slightly before the two of you disappeared.

You soon found out that he was not a trainee at all, which explained a lot in your opinion. That evening, as you sat before your large canvas as soft music played in the background, and your mind wandered to the sight of the man passionately dancing. And so, you decided to paint what came to mind so you could get back in practice and out of your block. So you painted for hours on end until your painting was finished and you collapsed on you sofa, most likely covered in paint.

The next morning you were awoken by your manager who conveniently had a key to your apartment. "Y/N. Y/N!"
"Hmm, yeah." You mumbled, slightly opening your eyes.
"Whan did you paint this? this is perfect!" She beamed.
"Huh? What?" You shot up. You didn't even remember what exactly it was you had painted but you were quite sure it was not meant to go anywhere near the exhibition. You walked over to the large canvas that your manager was admiring, and it may just have been true that it was one of your best pieces in a while. You had been locking yourself up, trying to paint something decent, while all you needed was a bit of inspiration. But you couldn't just display this, even more so knowing he was an actual idol.
"I can't display this." you protested "I'll make something better."
"No. No way. This is going to be the centrepiece of the exhibition and we both know it. I came here to see if you had made any progress and was pleasantly surprised. So, i'll get going now. Ciao, ciao!" With that, she was gone, before you could protest any further. What on earth were you going to do?
You observed the piece once more.

The man was displayed before a dark background. His skin glistened like millions of minuscule diamonds in an apparent spotlight just like you remembered it to be the day before, his eyes focused and passionate and his body was positioned in an elegant yet masculine manner. It had been a long time since you had painted such an expressive piece. But you were certain you couldn't just exhibit the piece without his permission. And asking his permission would just be extremely awkward.
You called your friend to get some kind of help.

"Omg seriously?" she gasped in amusement as you had explained what you had done in shame. "Send me a picture." You did as she asked and heard her make a sound in amazement. "Okay, she's right. you have to display this. I'm arranging a meeting for the two of you."
"What?! No!" but she hung up. nothing was going your way that day.
Later, you got a text to be there that evening.

So there you sat, at a table, alone with a cup of coffee they had handed you. You decided to handle this professionally and hoped your nerves and embarrassment wouldn't get the better of you.
He walked in and you gave him a little bow and held you hand out for him to shake. "Hoseok." He stated. "Y/N." You said back. He motioned for you to sit and you could already feel the embarrassment rise. "F/N already told me a lot about you." He smiled.
"Of course she did." You chuckled "So you know why I'm here?"
"Your painting, right? Did you bring it?"
You nodded and took the cover off the canvas behind you, showing him your painting.
"Wow." he said in awe.
"I know it may seem creepy, but your passion inspired me. I didn't mean to display it but my manager has a different idea." You sighed apologetically.
"No, by all means, do. The world deserves to see this. this is truly amazing." He grinned down at you, still admiring every single brushstroke.
"Won't you get in trouble as well?" you wondered.
"Not if we're friends." He stated.
"Look, if some fan or random person made a painting of me, it wouldn't be allowed to be displayed at an actual art display. Not without permission. If we're friends you will most likely get that permission, but you won't be allowed to sell it unless you come to a further agreement with the company." He explained.
"So you're telling me we have to become friends?"
"Exactly. So, coffee, meet outside, 1pm, cool." He said before walking out.
"Can everyone stop doing that." You groaned to yourself.

So the day after, you met up wit Jhope and he promised to talk with his manager. You two got pretty close after that. You were supposed to get acquainted, sure, but you never thought you'd get this close.

A month later, you had the big exhibition. It was a big exhibition of several artist with paparazzi and even a red carpet, and Hoseok was told to accompany you, as both your managers had come to an agreement. Not that you minded linking arms with that handsome man.

After hours of walking around in those painful shoes, talking to people who were interested in your art, the exhibition ended. The lights had been dimmed as the only people still there were the artists and their managers, Hoseok deciding to stay with you as well.

You smiled as you looked at the large canvas, displayed on the wall as a true piece of art, and you finally felt proud of yourself. Hoseok stood newt to you, looking down at you with a smile of his own.
"You know they're going to think we're dating right?"
"I'm aware." You sighed, but the smile didn't leave your face, you were too content.
"How about we make the rumours true?" he offered.
"My manager told me not to deny the rumours once they came so that means it's not exactly a bad thing if we dated." He explained "And I've been wanting to ask you out since the day I saw you at the studio. So, will you be mine?"

"Of course, my muse."

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