-{ Chapter 35 }-

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    My dormitory room door was only a few feet away as u walked over towards it opening it with relief plopping down onto the couch and passing out like a light

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    My dormitory room door was only a few feet away as u walked over towards it opening it with relief plopping down onto the couch and passing out like a light.

♦     ♦     ♦     ♦ 

    "Good morning princess" A familiar voice replied.

     I nuzzled into my pillow breathing out slowly, happily sleeping in a blissful dream. My body frozen and numb as I slept.

     Kiara.. I'm sorry... Keagan's familiar voice replied in my dream.


    Keagan I love you though.. I replied to Keagan as rain poured down on me. My bones wet to the bone as I shook uncontrollably with tears pouring down my eyes followed by rain.    

     "Princess hunt"

    Kiara, I'm so sorry but... I can't be with you... Keagan replied in the dream.

    "Princess please wake up!"

     Why not... I screamed out in the dream reaching towards Keagan.

    "Princess please get up you must get dressed and ready for breakfast."

     I don't want to lose you... Keagan trailed off.

    "Princess!" The voice screamed out.

    The shaking of coldness from the rain soon became thrusting back and forth as I shot upwards looking at my surroundings blinking a few times as I met the gaze of three familiar girls.

     Kristen, Carla, and Elenor my maids? Why are there here

     "Huh...?" I mumbled out frantically looking around the room calming down in realization.

     "Princess Finally you are awake!" Kristen replied standing up immediately rushing over towards my side handing me a beautiful tray of breakfast.

     "Please enjoy your breakfast princess," Caral replied.

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