-{ Chapter 36 }-

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    White silk fabric covered my body sending warmth throughout as I stepped out of the bathroom

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    White silk fabric covered my body sending warmth throughout as I stepped out of the bathroom. The elegant robe clung to my wet skin as I maneuvered my way to the vanity.

    Great now I will have to sit down and wait for hours as the girls poke me and stab me with their fancy makeup brushes and tools, oh joy my favorite.

     To say that I have to do this a lot in the spy field is a large understatement. It is our job to look good as well as be able to disguise yourself easily.

    I turned my gaze towards Kristen observing her small figure as she pulled the white vanity chair out towards me ushering me to sit down forcefully.

     "Princess Hunt please sit still," Kristen replied gliding her way over to the drawer opening them up and places a variety of expensive looking products in front of me.

     Ooo shiny and fancy products I want to touch it, I reached forward toward a small shiny box in the far right corner smiling mischievously.

     "Princess please do not touch that!" Elenor snapped at me hitting the back of my hand moving the box to a further location, a pout settling on my face.

    "Do you have any preference on what you would like your makeup to look like tonight?" Carla asked ignoring my gaze.

     "Well actually I was thin..." I was cut off by a very pissed off expression.

     "Princess you do not have a choice on what you will look like tonight, so sit still and stop moving your head!" Elenor snapped somewhat angrily and somewhat annoyed.

     "Rude..." I mumbled out crossing my arms sighing out dramatically crossing my arms over my chest, let the torture begin...

♦     ♦     ♦     ♦ 

     Just put one leg through this hole and then put the other in this one,  right?   

     Alright, I can do this, I motivated myself as I attempted to balance on my left leg placing my right into the large white dress.

      Why do fancy dresses have to be so damn complicated! Sexy dresses are so much easier to put on because they show so much skin so it's not complicated!

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