-{ Chapter 39 }-

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     I didn't look back I knew better than that Instead I walked forward walking towards

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     I didn't look back I knew better than that Instead I walked forward walking towards...

♦     ♦     ♦    ♦ 

    I moved my hips side to side as I maneuvered my way towards the food bar passing by the princes and princesses around me with great speed.

     Yum yum, food I love food, free food is the best kind of food, party food is also great too. I sang in my head as I continued to glide across the floor towards the food.

     Only a few more steps then I will be at my location for food, the destination is now in sight. I muttered out softly imitating the voice of a typical GPS system.

     "Princess hunt you look absolutely gorgeous tonight," Mia replied chirpily.

     Nooooo why I want my food damn god dammit. Damn it all to hell I say!

     I jumped back slightly as Mia popped up out of nowhere smiling gleefully.

     "Thank you, Princess, you look very beautiful as well," I replied gazing over at her chocolate brown eyes and matching curly chocolate colored hair.

    She was wearing a breathtaking pink dress that showed off all of her curves. It had beautiful patterns of flowers as well as small jewelry sequins at the top.

     "Have you danced with anyone yet?" Mia questioned nearing closer towards me smiling happily hooking her arm with mine.

     I hate this I hate her.. ok ok I don't hate her but I want my god damn food I don't want to chat with Mia I want to eat this sucks! I whined out mentally wishing that I could have a tantrum.

     "No, I have not I was actually heading towards the food bar." I motioned my hands towards the elegant white tables full of food with a pissed off expression.

     "Princess Mia would you care to dance." A manly voice replied.

     I turned to the side to see a beautiful young man who most likely was a prince. Dark colored skin, beautiful brown eyes, and a gorgeous face he looks good.

     "I would love to dance," Mia replied looking over her shoulder sending the last gaze over towards me with a thumbs up.

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