T h r e e

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T h r e e

I walk into my room and close the door, walking over to my bed and falling face first onto my blankets, letting everything that just happened sink in.

After a few minutes of replaying the events, it hit me that we were going eat at their house later tonight. I hope I have something decent to wear, since I wasn't a person who kept up with the latest fashion trends.

I push myself off of my bed and walk over to the few clothes hanging in my closet. After examining the clothes carefully I take out a pair of my newer jeans and a white twisted top that was paired with a cardigan.

My parents and I head over next door, waiting patiently for the Carpenters to let us in. The door swings open and reveals a smiling Becky. We walk in and and my parents greet Becky, looking around I notice various pictures or Aaron along with his brothers and sister, along with the rest of their family.

I softly smiled at the frames scattered along the walls, "Aaron should be down in a second, hun.

I nodded to her, my cheeks becoming warm knowing that Becky caught me examining their pictures.

"Aaron, the guest are here!" She yelled at the bottom of the staircase.

A few moments later Aaron walks down the carpeted stairs, look down at my feet and started to feel insecure. It's just how I am around people I'm not familiar with, let alone incredibly good looking. I guess I got lost in thought because the next thing I know I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you coming?" Aaron asks with a light smile.

I jump a little and Aaron chuckles, "I- uh yeah... Sorry."

He laughs and removes his hand, "It's alright."

Aaron and I walk onto the back patio where everyone else was already mingling and getting to know each other, along with various foods placed along a long wooden table.

Everyone sits down and starts to eat, different people who I have yet to know the name of sharing random stories about what happened earlier in the week.

Everyone gathered around a small fire, looking around I see the only available seat is next to Aaron in a foldout chair. I take a seat and the adults start their own conversation about boring things adults usually talk about.

Eventually he speaks up first, "So where did you move from?"

"Mississippi... My parents got a promotion," I replied looking up at him.

We continued talking, asking each other random questions and eventually got on the topic of school. He told me what to expect and what classes to look out for.

We didn't really talk about anything personal, and that I was thankful for.

Later that night after most people left my parents decided to go. I told everyone goodbye, except Aaron who was taking to my mom. I approached them and they both turned to me.

"Maybe I can show you around town tomorrow?" Aaron asked nervously.

I nodded my head, my cheeks hinting red and he gave me a warm smile.

The Next Door Neighbor [Aaron Carpenter] (editing)Where stories live. Discover now